A serial port terminal (for Windows) based on KISS principle.
To build a stand alone executable:
g++ -Wall -s -o .\uart.exe uart_main.c uart_win32.c
To build an executable that could act as an Erlang port:
g++ -Wall -s -o .\uart_port.exe uart_port.c uart_win32.c
UART port options:
-port <integer> (mandatory)
-baud <integer>
-databits <integer>
-stopbits <integer>
-parity none | even | odd | mark | space
Common options:
-help/-? show this
-cr cr | lf | crlf | lfcr default: cr
-input string | char
Note: string: based on 'gets' (default), can
use UP/DOWN to access input history
char : based on 'getch' (low level)
When string mode (default) is used, ^Z could save ^Z into the output buffer, and another is needed to write it to COM port.