- is the traditional term for a set of multiple decorative candlesticks, each of which often holds a candle on each of multiple arms or branches connected to a column or pedestal.
This is not a candlestick. It is a wrapper lib for pianobar. I will handle the installtion, configuration, and remote controlling of pianobar. It can support multiple user accounts and the switching between them.
There is a command line access to the lib as well as a ruby api.
$ gem install candelabra
But before you can set the pianobar on fire.
$ candelabra install
You will be prompted for your username and password.
$ candelabra start
$ candelabra stop
$ candelabra next
or if you would prefer
$ candelabra skip
or better yet
$ candelabra n
You get the point!
Any of the following commands are currently supported
def commands
:pause => 'p',
:continue => 'p',
:love => '+',
:ban => '-',
:bookmark => 'b',
:info => 'i',
:skip => 'n',
:next => 'n',
:quit => 'q',
:tired => 't',