Presentation Materials for my Sound Analysis with the Fourier Transform and Python OSCON 2013 Talk.
Link to this:
- 01_Introduction.ipynb
- 02_NatureOfWaves.ipynb
- 03_FourierTransform.ipynb
- 04_WaveDeconvolution.ipynb
- 05_RotationWithE.ipynb
- 06_FFTInPython.ipynb
- 07_SeeingSound.ipynb
- 08_STFT.ipynb
- 09_AudioFiltering.ipynb
- 10_Conclusion.ipynb
To run locally, you must use this command to run ipython notebook: ipython notebook --pylab inline
You will also need to install these python libraries (along with their C dependencies):
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- ipython
- scikits.audiolab
To record audio on your laptop, you can use sox (note that rec
is a commnad installed with sox
). Here are 2 useful sox commands
rec -r 44100 -c 2 -b 16 A4.wav
- records at 44100 samples per sec, 2 channels, and 16 bits per sample
sox audio_2channels.wav audio_1channel.wav channels 1
- converts from 2 channels to 1 channel