This package provides multiple features for working with Actionscript 3 projects in Sublime Text 2. I wasn't satisfied with any of the existing AS3 packages so I decided to write my own from scratch. Still in an experimental state.
Note: This package assumes that your source files in your project all live under a common directory name (default "src/", configurable in
Features include:
Syntax highlighting support for .as files and AS3 embedded in .mxml files. A few regular expressions were borrowed from
Basic snippets for common language elements (see /Snippets)
Basic build systems for compiling to .swf and .swc files, and generating AsDoc documentation. More complex projects will likely require custom build systems but you can use these as a starting point.
Several commands for automating common tasks in AS3 development, accessible via the Command Palette.
Commands at this time include:
- New class/interface/event. Create new source files quickly.
- Import class. Quickly search for and import a class.
- Extract interface. Create a new interface using the public functions of a class. Can also be useful to quickly view the API of a large class, even if you don't want to create an interface.
- More planned...
Clone this repository (or download and unzip) in your packages folder.