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birm committed Apr 10, 2019
1 parent bbb7779 commit 7b1480b
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Showing 2 changed files with 169 additions and 28 deletions.
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197 changes: 169 additions & 28 deletions docs/index.rst
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@@ -1,45 +1,186 @@
caMicroscope is a tool to is a HTML5 image viewer optimized for large
bio-medical image data viewing, with a strong emphasis on cancer
pathology. This guide has sections for different kinds of use of the
platform. "User Guide" covers the basics on how to use caMicroscope
viewer. "Nanoborb" covers nanoBorb, the version of caMicroscope designed
as a standalone application for individual users without a server.
"Hosted Setup" covers how to set up caMicroscope for multiple users on a
server. "Developer Guide" covers the broad strokes on how to add new
functionality to caMicroscope.

User Guide



To use caMicroscope as a standalone application, see
`nanoborb <>`__. The `user
screencast <>`__
should explain the basics of Nanoborb.

Installation Instructions

Windows - 1) Download zip file. 2) Unzip. 3) Run "nanoborb.exe" in the
unzipped folder

MacOS - 1) Download zip file. 2) Unzip. 3) Move Nanoborb app to
Applications folder. 4) Double-click copied Nanoborb file to run.

Hosted Setup

A Web Based Annotation and Visualization Platform for Digitized Whole Slide Images
The full distribution repository for hosted caMicroscope is
`here <>`__. run with
``docker-compose -f caMicroscope.yml up``

Develop branch build status:
this will build all services and run in the foreground. Use
``docker-compose -f caMicroscope.yml build`` to rebuild the services.

|Build Status|
Once everything is up, go to :4010/ to see the landing page.


caMicroscope is a HTML5 image viewer optimized for large bio-medical
image data viewing, with a strong emphasis on cancer pathology.
To enable ssl, mount the private key and certificate files to elevate in
/root/src/ssl/privatekey.pem and /root/src/ssl/certificate.pem
respectively. HTTPS mode will only be enabled if both of these files are

The Image Viewer server is based on `IIPImage server`_ which is a Fast
CGI module and `OpenSeaDragon`_ which is a deep zoom image viewer.
Component Services

mongo - vanilla mongo container

caMicroscope should be deployed as part of a stack; for further
information see the `caMicroscope distribution repository`_.
idxMongo - ephemeral container to index mongo (that is, this container
is *expected* to exit once it's done its job)

To use caMicroscope as a standalone application, see `nanoborb`_.
bindaas - api service for mongo (see

Core Features
iip - slide tile server (see

viewer - hosts the viewer files and builds packages ( see

loader - extracts metadata needed for image loading (see

elevate - security proxy (see

auth - consumes external JWT and issues caMicroscope JWT (see Security


- Variable resolution browser rendering of slide images of multiple
Logging - Container Logging is, for HIPAA reasons, disabled. Feel free
to use a different logging engine if desired, especially for

Routes - This is handled by the elevate service/ca-security container.
By default routes go the viewer, unless a specific pattern in
routes.json is matched.

Image Volume - This is, by default, the images directory in this
directory. If this is changed, please make the same change across all
impacted services.

Packages - Packages are built in the viewer service using parcel, mount
a different directory with packages.js to the package directory to
overwrite or add functionality.


For standard security, we use a combination of an external identity
provider and an internal authorization service. The authorization
service consumes Json Web Tokens (JWTs) from the identity provider, and
then will issue JWTs which convey both authentication and authorization,
which are consumed by the application.

Getting an Identity Provider and Setting up Login

There are many identity providers, but for testing and examples, we have
been using auth0.

When selecting, an identity provider, note that we expect it to provide
a JWT, and to have a certificate/public key/secret which can be used to
verify such JWTs.

The example given in the Distro within config/login.html is set up for
auth0; simply change the corresponding variables for your auth0
application if auth0 is used. If using another identity provider, then
login.html, or equivalent, needs to, at least, set the JWT to a cookie
called "token", and call the auth service's 'check' route, and save a
successful result as the token. Follow the guide which your identity
provider uses for further guidance.


Add the following files; by default, they are mounted:

- --./jwt\_keys/certificate or ./jwt\_keys/jwk.json is the
certificate/public key/secret or jwk (respectively) from the
**identity provider**. (If both are included, the jwk takes
- --./jwt\_keys/key and ./jwt\_keys/ are used as the signing and
check keys for the **auth service**
- --These can (and should) be generated with ./kwt\_keys/make\

Deployment Configuration

Turn off disable security under the elevate service to block routes.

Adding Users to Database

Add users as in ./config/add\_mongo\_users.js. Attributes can be added
to deny access to routes (e.g. allow only some users to post and delete)

The name field is the email field (or failing that, sub field) in that
priority from the identity provider.


To use pathdb, use pathDbCamic.yml instead of caMicroscope.yml, and
replace routes.json with pathdb\_routes.json. This deployment does not
include the auth and loader as separate services, as this PathDB
provides that functionality.

- Segmentation analysis on user-selected regions
Developer Guide

- Annotation drawing and sharing
We are collecting feedback to write this section in more detail. Please
give any feedback to `this
form <>`__.

.. _IIPImage server:
.. _OpenSeaDragon:
.. _caMicroscope distribution repository:
.. _nanoborb:
caMicroscope is designed to be extended. Depending on the manner of
extension, it may be a package or a new application. It is highly
recommended to use a minimal methods of extension to avoid code
duplication and issues with future upgrade compatibility. Changing
Package on default viewer The viewer container builds package/package.js
on build, and the resulting file is included in the viewer. This is used
to add small custom functionality tweaks to the viewer. Adding more
applications alongside the default viewer For more substantial
modifications, it may make more sense to make a new application. These
can be mounted somewhere (preferably somewhere in the apps folder) in
the viewer service, and would include modification of the toolbar, or
implementation of an entirely new functionality

.. |Build Status| image::
caMicroscope is open source software. Any involvement and contribution
with the caMicroscope project is greatly appreciated. Feel free to get
directly involved in any of the repositories in the caMicroscope
organization. The caMicroscope project has persistent branches for
development and release. It is highly recommended to make any changes
off of the develop branch of a repository, and, when ready, create a PR
to the develop branch of the source repository. The creation of
additional specializations, packages, or applications should, in most
cases, live as a separate repository.

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