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534 lines (363 loc) · 16.6 KB

File metadata and controls

534 lines (363 loc) · 16.6 KB

5.1.0 (in progress)


  • added test_runner_settings.r_profile_session_path config
  • compressed (gzip) session serialization


  • updated R to v4.0
  • exposed test_runner_settings.r_profile_session_path as env var
  • exposed test_runner_settings.r_environ_session_path as env var
  • added CONCERTO_R_SERVICES_NUM env var
  • added file lock to forker and service guard

5.0.24 (2021-04-19)


  • test based cookies now expire after 30 days

Starter content

  • added Item Exclusion Module to assessment node
  • fixed URL flag value propagation for variables


  • UTC is now default timezone for containers

5.0.23 (2021-03-25)


  • fixed port default values
  • security improvements

5.0.22 (2021-02-19)


  • fixed forker guard cron job check
  • fixed files permissions when importing content
  • client side error logging should now log all js exceptions
  • fixed 403 on client side error logging
  • fixed 'options' item type fixed index


  • configurable R long running processes forced GC interval (r_forced_gc_interval)
  • replaced RSA key pair for JWT with HMAC key (CONCERTO_JWT_SECRET env)
  • exposed testRunner.getControlValues()

Starter content

  • added PATCH method to http node
  • added createdTime and updateTime column to assessment responses table


  • exposed Symfony's config framework.session.save_path as CONCERTO_PHP_SESSION_SAVE_PATH env variable
  • import directory is now on shared storage
  • /data/php/sessions set as PHP session path
  • file lock for forker guard

5.0.21 (2021-01-19)


  • assessment node now properly calculates total score even when some items are skipped
  • assessment node options type item now can use value 0
  • forker logs are no longer removed by maintenance service
  • fixed /files/protected directory permission in docker container


  • forced garbage collection on forker tick
  • assessment node template params module now also accepts session as input
  • assessment node response saving module now also accepts templateResponse as input
  • startSession node will use database TZ for newly inserted session datetime values
  • finishSession node will use database TZ for returned session datetime values
  • exposed startTestTimer and stopTestTimer js testRunner methods


  • forker guard cron job
  • forker logs goes to stdout

5.0.20 (2020-11-05)


  • fixed false alert about disabled API in administration tab
  • fixed API regression caused by 12213b3


  • exposed js testRunner.getToken()

5.0.19 (2020-11-03)


  • home test can now be set from administration tab settings (replaces home page)
  • session token is now in session storage instead of cookie


  • import (as new) fix


  • assessment node labels for options item type are now centered horizontally and vertically

5.0.18 (2020-10-27)


  • data API can be enabled/disabled by CONCERTO_DATA_API_ENABLED setting


  • fixed layout of response options for item type "options"
  • js log error action permission fix

5.0.17 (2020-10-13)


  • content import as scheduled task
  • content modifications blocked when content modifying scheduled task is ongoing
  • added CONCERTO_COOKIES_SECURE and CONCERTO_COOKIES_SAME_SITE config options exposed through env variables
  • can now set column number for assessment node 'options' item type
  • can now set fixed index for assessment node response options ('options' item type)


  • http node now handles network errors
  • fixed outdated object check
  • assessment db based resuming fixes
  • fixed response option trait scoring in assessment node
  • flowchart UI fixes
  • git permissions fix


  • AngularJS update to 1.8
  • ui-grid update to 4.9

5.0.16 (2020-08-28)


  • protected global files
  • protected session files
  • JWT token for session ownership and protected global/session file access
  • data table column length can be set from panel (length of string, precision and scale for decimal)
  • redis integration for session storage
  • session logs level

Starter content

  • added protectedFilesAccess and sessionFilesAccess as input for showPage node
  • fixed validation of assessment node response with value 0
  • restored legacy validation for assessment node item types: open, options
  • http node now also takes status code into consideration when evaluating branch


  • env variables are inherited by R processes


  • fixed server side timer
  • no longer possible to modify outdated object, even when the same user is responsible for both modifications
  • base template insertion fix

5.0.15 (2020-07-30)


  • fixed multiple column grid filters for data table data
  • base template import/export fix
  • dynamic ports and pointers are now carried over when pasting nodes
  • fixed overridable flags for administration settings


  • persistent filters for top objects

5.0.14 (2020-07-24)


  • test base view template is now properly included in export
  • export fix
  • fixed authorizeUser node password column mapping
  • assessment node fixes and improvements (item skipping, aggregated trait scores)

5.0.13 (2020-07-09)


  • base template override for each launchable test


  • import fixes
  • renamed SamlToken hash_idx to saml_token_hash_idx for PostgreSQL compatibility
  • SAML metadata endpoint fix
  • concerto.saml.getAuthenticatedUser fix for serialized session runner service
  • reduced memory consumption on collection fetches
  • item bank extra fields can now be set for flat item bank table
  • removed automatic data connections
  • fixed mutlitable dictionary language fallback
  • forker won't terminate when empty request read anymore
  • most recent data connection is used when multiple data connections attached to input port
  • fixed extraFields for flat item banks in assessment node
  • fixed flow elements duplication on copy


  • improved import comparison hashing
  • sessionHash property exposed in testRunner javascript object
  • assessment node fixes/improvements
  • concerto objects caching enabled for test session
  • more flexible toJSON, fromJSON assignment
  • platform_url config setting doesn't have to end with / now
  • overridable response.isValid() in each assessment's item type template

Starter content

  • assessment node outputs traitSem and traitTheta
  • assessment node now keeps track of past responses even when responses are not saved to data table

5.0.12 (2020-04-07)


  • admin panel login brute force prevention


  • fixed R package installation scheduled tasks
  • fixed file picker URL
  • test error logs are no longer loaded automatically on test edit


  • added grandParent helper variable for wizard params hide conditions

Starter content

  • added slider input type for form node
  • assessmentItems::skippable column is optional now
  • assessmentItems::instructions column is optional now
  • assessmentResponses::skipped column is optional now

5.0.11 (2020-03-19)


  • added getTemplate background worker

Starter content

  • item exposure for assessment node
  • itemParamsNum no longer required in assessment node
  • added nullable flags to assessment data tables columns
  • assessment items can now be made skippable
  • pain mannequin no multi mark selection improvements
  • extra fields in assessment checks if column exist
  • assessment now returns stopReason
  • added stopCheckModule to assessment
  • skippable items in assessment (item level option)
  • fallback to default language for dictionary entries with NULL translation
  • added extraFields to finishSession node
  • item level instructions for assessment
  • bgWorkers exposed as input port in showPage
  • added http node
  • hidden scoring sensitive assessment data on client side
  • added bodyEncode option to http node
  • added D parameter for assessment
  • added responseSavedModule to assessment
  • added itemsAdministered and responses to assessment return variables
  • added templateResponseModule to assessment


  • when importing CSV with empty field - column default value is used
  • added connection argument to concerto.table.query and concerto.table.lastInsertId
  • clicking outside of modal in panel no longer closes modal
  • increased data table's data grid columns min width
  • added flowIndex argument to c.get and c.set
  • replaced posOffset argument with flowIndexOffset in c.get and c.set
  • ViewTemplate/{id}/content|html|js|css actions responses are now cacheable
  • if there's no dynamic branch with the same name as button pressed on showPage node, use default out node


  • assessment MLWI criterions that required scores vector to be passed for nextItem
  • assessment nextItem's randomesque
  • fixed editing of default form field
  • response scores are not exposed to template when using flat table in assessment
  • import fix
  • better Windows OS detection
  • fixed default port values on import


  • xml2 R package is now required

5.0.10 (2020-01-13)

Starter content

  • pain mannequin item type selection can now be multiple or single per body part
  • when setting NULL values in dataManipulation - defaults used
  • showPage now returns cookies


  • default value for nullable columns is now null


  • data tables can now be included in export when referenced in exported test wizard params
  • cookie input validation fix
  • fixed setting column as nullable
  • fixed test runner API endpoints

5.0.9 (2020-01-07)


  • data table columns can now be nullable


  • removed redundant data table's data calls
  • data table's data pagination is now properly reset when changing tables
  • data tables can now scroll horizontally
  • cell editing focus loss fixed
  • fixed list download/upload on column map definer
  • fixed ports value for NULLs

Starter content

  • added scoring node
  • added assessment node (replaces CAT and linearTest)
  • added saveData node
  • added finishSession node
  • added minAccuracyMinItems stopping rule to CAT
  • execution no longer is halted when can't satisfy CB rules in CAT
  • added more descriptive error message when parsing responseOptions JSON fails in CAT
  • renamed cbGroup column in CAT item bank to trait
  • default template inserts exposed as wizard params in CAT, form and showPage
  • can now use use dynamic return ports to return values of input ports in form and assessment


  • added SHOW statement to concerto.table.query
  • html argument takes precedence over templateId in concerto.template.join
  • data tables can now be scrolled horizontally
  • removed alert on successful object save
  • flow variable pointer name is visible on port label when its value is different than port variable name
  • ports receiving value from data connection can now use default value if passed value is NULL

5.0.8 (2019-12-03)


  • potentially long running Git actions are now made as a scheduled task no longer limited by web request time
  • configurable Git repository path
  • view template's content endpoints

Starter content

  • CAT response options can now be left blank if custom mechanism used
  • pain mannequin item response two-way binding (js)


  • unified URL content and Git content sections
  • content_import_options and content_export_options config options now merged as content_transfer_options
  • content_import_options_overridable and content_export_options_overridable config options now merged as content_transfer_options_overridable
  • flow node size is adjusted to its contents


  • importing CSV to grid with invalid structure now properly sets missing fields to their type default value

5.0.7 (2019-11-20)

Starter content

  • database based resuming for CAT
  • session state restore is now optional when resuming session in startSession
  • added parallel session usage prevention option to startSession


  • added concerto.event.add function to R package
  • added function to R package
  • added concerto.event.remove function to R package


  • fixed possible two requests for same session running at once when forking is used on multi-instance setup


  • setting session_files_expiration config to negative value will disable session clearing

5.0.6 (2019-11-11)


  • improved logging for forker and forked child processes
  • test variables sorted by name for prettier export diffs
  • added working path writeable check to health check


  • fixed form select element values
  • fixed global variables scope on resuming
  • fixed standalone session runner missing use statement

Starter content

  • added Test Time Limit Type option to CAT

5.0.5 (2019-11-02)


  • SAML flow API (experimental)
  • cookies are now included in return (result$.cookies) for both submit and background worker actions
  • concerto.saml.getAuthenticatedUser R method
  • session resume endpoint
  • now accepts cookies input parameter (name-value pair list)
  • added CONCERTO_BEHIND_PROXY env and behind_proxy config option for SAML toolkit


  • Git requests more verbose
  • Git pull command will try to do non fast-forward merge automatically if possible

Starter content

  • added instructions block to test and form template
  • added buttonLabel for form and page template
  • added nextButtonLabel and backButtonLabel for test template
  • default templates improvements


  • Disabled escape characters for both CSV import and export
  • fixed unforked session initialization
  • fixed showPage node
  • client side template params object is now cleared each time template is shown (testRunner.R)


  • added platform_url config parameter
  • renamed concerto.file.getPublicPath to concerto.file.getPath
  • added concerto.saml.login R function
  • added concerto.saml.logout R function
  • added concerto.session.getResumeUrl R function
  • added concerto.template.redirect R function

5.0.4 (2019-10-21)




  • more diff friendly content export
  • limited number of git history entries returned

Starter content

  • CAT now returns testTimeLeft
  • added dynamic inputs to settings of CAT and linearTest
  • settings are now passed as input parameter to all CAT and linearTest modules
  • added number and date input type for form


  • fixed data import warnings
  • public files permissions are now set at correct time in Dockerfile
  • fixed test node port update on test variable import
  • when adding native port to nodes that already contains dynamic port named the same, dynamic port will be converted to native
  • fixed not persisted entities found in relations on import
  • added missing git dependencies
  • no response bank fix for CAT and linearTest
  • fixed "go back" button on linearTest

5.0.3 (2019-09-27)


  • fixed checkbox form item type
  • fixed pain mannequin test item type

5.0.2 (2019-09-18)


  • fixed reading authorized user info for non super admin users
  • prevented unnecessary collections fetch calls for unauthorized resources when non super admin user
  • test template form element now has autocomplete attribute set to off
  • fixed duplicate draw calls for nodes on Firefox

5.0.1 (2019-09-09)

Starter content

  • added log node
  • added wizard for eval node
  • showPage now has native .branch return port and will use buttonPressed value for .branch when at least one dynamic branch is created
  • added insertId return variable to dataManipulation node


  • fixed disappearing values on some wizard params
  • fixed complex type wizard param's nesting
  • fixed linearTest custom item table
  • fixed setting null data table wizard param related values to recently edited data table
  • prefixed local variables in _dataManipulation to prevent name overlaps with dynamic inputs
  • fixed data manipulation wizard descriptions and param's hide rules