Dog Centered React Pwa -With Social Media Components
This PWA was originally meant to explore the Reactjs ecosystem along with other technologies within my stack to deepen my understanding. While centain principles were not adhered to , on purpose some of which I go into great detail on the write-up below. Utilizing docker for configuration opened up an entire new realm of opportunity to optimize workflows such as configuration, my least favorite aspect of development. This tech streamlined a huge portion of my workflow and has become an indispensable part of my tool-kit going forward. Another memorable component was the use of JWTs - cementing the concepts of authorization and authentication as a neccessary part of any developers skillset.Along with exploring third party APIs & navigating multiple databases ,both locally and online with postgres and cloudinary respectivley.
Project is created with:
$ cd ../onlydogs2
$ docker compose up
$ cd onlydogs
$ npm start