is moved to @capacitor-community/stripe-identity
To reduce the bundle size of the user's application, the library was made smaller and independent of the granularity of the user's application.
change to require minSdkVersion = 26
and compileSdkVersion = 34
You need to update in your android/app/build.gradle
ext {
- minSdkVersion = 22
- compileSdkVersion = 33
+ minSdkVersion = 26
+ compileSdkVersion = 34
's demo in ios is return canceled at success.
's demo in ios is return canceled at success. But it works fine when actual ID is used.
Change Log:
- Merge pull request #310 from capacitor-community/feat/5.3.0 9373ef1
- feat(identity): remove from payment package 3671de9
- fix(identity/android): use JSObject b6b267c
- feat(): update packages 6bc86df
- feat(android): update terminal package stripe/stripe-terminal-android#377 ca4b044
- feat(ios): update payment package #297 (comment) 1545937
- feat(): update readme 9a7588f
- feat(ios): add bluetooth connection b4d99a8
- feat(android): support usb and bluetooth reader 2a28694
- feat(android): be able to set package version a54f932
- feat(stripe): remove identity method(moved to @capacitor-community/stripe-identity) 8efc806
- feat(): update android packages 822cade
- feat(): update packages version 929b2d0
- chore(demo): update stripe-pwa-elements 23657df
- Merge pull request #306 from ccen-stripe/patch-1 8c9208e
- update native versions 8aa0a50
- Update README.md 6a5119b
- chore f1280f0
- chore 3eec200
- released fc767ed