Final Exam Project for the Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung Apprenticeship.
ART (Anwendungs- und Rechnungstracker) is a web application for managing Clients, Projects, Tasks/Orders and Invoices.
A demo of the application can be found at
- Next.js (React) with TypeScript
- API Platform (Symfony) with PHP
- Docker (Containerization)
- Nginx Proxy Manager (Reverse Proxy)
- Caddy (Reverse Proxy)
- Nginx (Web Server)
- Make (Task Runner)
- PostgreSQL (Database)
- GitHub Actions (CI/CD)
- Watchtower (Container Updater)
- Tanstack React Query (Data Fetching)
- Tailwind CSS (Styling)
- React Hook Form & Zod (Form Handling)
- Tanstack React Table (Data Tables)
- Nice Modal React (Modals)
- shadcn/ui (Component Library)
$ make up
$ make api-bash
$ composer i
$ bin/console do:mi:mi
$ bin/console do:fi:lo
$ make client-bash
$ npm i
$ npm run dev
The application is now available at http://localhost.