Third Clarke law; Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Soy un estudiante de ingeniería electrónica y telecomunicaciones, desarrollador python y back-end amante de #MachineLearning, tengo un sueño de crear mi starup, no hay desafío lo suficientemente grande como para no intentarlo.
- Python and FastAPI ⭐
- Rust and C++ ⭐
- Java and Spring Boot ⭐
- SQL and No relational Databases
- Linux
- Arduino and electronics
- RPA ⭐
- carjizo 🤖 💻
- API with Spring Boot 💻
- Console game with rust
- Sign language translation with opencv 🤖
- Telegram bot with GPT-2 🤖
- System ecommerce con python 💻
- REST-API with Django 💻
- A portable IoT project with ESP8266 and Firebase