CARLANeT is a powerful open source project that allows co-simulation between OMNeT++ and CARLA. It allows developers to create realistic simulations of vehicular services by leveraging network communication. With CARLANeT, the integration of OMNeT++ and CARLA becomes simple, allowing for comprehensive testing and analysis of various vehicular scenarios.
CARLANeT is composed of two different libraries that are essential for a fully working co-simulation between CARLA and OMNeT++:
pyCARLANeT: This library needs to be included and adapted in the Python code that communicates with the CARLA simulator and simulates the physics world.
CARLANeTpp: This library needs to be included and adapted in the OMNeT++ code that is used to define the communication network.
Please see the respective repositories for more information on how to use them.