This plugin, developed in jQuery, creates the grid of the image and run the animation chosen by the user: fadeIn and fadeOut. It is completely configurable, users can choose the size of the cells of the grid, the speed of the animations, the type of animations etc.
Just download it and open demo.hml
- gridImageAnimation.js : is the core of the script;
- a reset stylesheet : it's very important to avoid boring disturbs on the grid (I've used this:;
Just call the plugin with an image and set some parameters:
var grid = img.gridImageAnimation({ 'mode' : 'fadeIn',
'cell' : 15 ,
'speed' : 70,
'durationFading' : 200,
'previewBox' : null,
complete : null
- mode : fadeIn() or fadeOut(). In the first one the image appears, in the second one (obvioulsy) it scompares;
- cell : default is 15, this means that width and height are divided in 15 parts; A value too little will create disturbs;
- speed : is the delay between the animation of a cell and another one;
- durationFading : is the time that cells take to compare/scompare;
- previewBox : it's the element where the user want to animate the image. If it's null the grid will replace the original image;
- complete : is the function that will be run when the animation ends;
If the original image as an id and/or class/es they will be inherited by the grid.
You can read also the article on my personal blog (italian) :