Node adapter for EDDB API v6.0.
npm install @carloscasalar/eddb-node-adapter --save
Adapter CommoditiesLoader
is a class with a stream
method that returns an stream witch emit a commodity in each
chunk. The commodity is an object with a shape like the one exposed in EDDB but with camel case attributes and
with boolean attributes instead of 0/1 ones.
This is a commodity object example:
"id": 335,
"name": "Time Capsule",
"category": {
"id": 16,
"name": "Salvage"
"averagePrice": 4055,
"isRare": false,
"maxBuyPrice": null,
"maxSellPrice": 5223,
"minBuyPrice": null,
"minSellPrice": 428,
"buyPriceLowerAverage": 0,
"sellPriceUpperAverage": 5038,
"isNonMarketable": false,
"edId": 128672163
This is an usage example:
const { CommoditiesLoader } = require('eddb-node-adapter');
const commoditiesLoader = new CommoditiesLoader();
const loadStream =;
loadStream.on('data', (commodity) => console.dir(commodity, { depth: null, colors: true }));
loadStream.on('error', (err) => console.log('unexpected error', err));
loadStream.on('end', () => console.log('Load finished'));
Adapter PopulatedSystemsLoader
is a class with a stream
method that returns an stream witch emit a populated system in each
chunk. The system is an object with a shape like the one exposed in EDDB but with camel case attributes.
This is a populated system object example:
id: 17517789,
edsmId: 22592071,
name: '14 Geminorum',
x: 12.28125,
y: 5.0625,
z: -57.25,
population: 36415759,
isPopulated: true,
governmentId: 96,
government: 'Democracy',
allegianceId: 3,
allegiance: 'Federation',
states: [{ id: 67, name: 'Expansion' }],
securityId: 48,
security: 'High',
primaryEconomyId: 4,
primaryEconomy: 'Industrial',
power: 'Felicia Winters',
powerState: 'Exploited',
powerStateId: 32,
needsPermit: false,
updatedAt: 1541991880,
simbadRef: '',
controllingMinorFactionId: 3121,
controllingMinorFaction: '15 Geminorum Democrats',
reserveTypeId: 5,
reserveType: 'Depleted',
[ { minorFactionId: 3121,
happinessId: 2,
influence: 60.2,
activeStates: [ { id: 80, name: 'None' } ],
pendingStates: [ { id: 67, name: 'Expansion' } ],
recoveringStates: [] },
{ minorFactionId: 5669, stateId: 80, influence: 3, state: 'None' },
{ minorFactionId: 25195,
happinessId: 2,
influence: 3,
activeStates: [ { id: 80, name: 'None' } ],
pendingStates: [ { id: 67, name: 'Expansion' } ],
recoveringStates: []},
{ minorFactionId: 25197,
happinessId: 2,
influence: 10.4,
activeStates: [ { id: 80, name: 'None' } ],
pendingStates: [ { id: 67, name: 'Expansion' } ],
recoveringStates: []},
{ minorFactionId: 25198,
happinessId: 2,
influence: 7,
activeStates: [ { id: 80, name: 'None' } ],
pendingStates: [ { id: 67, name: 'Expansion' } ],
recoveringStates: []},
{ minorFactionId: 25199,
happinessId: 2,
influence: 3,
activeStates: [ { id: 80, name: 'None' } ],
pendingStates: [ { id: 67, name: 'Expansion' } ],
recoveringStates: []},
{ minorFactionId: 3362,
happinessId: 2,
influence: 13.4,
activeStates: [ { id: 80, name: 'None' } ],
pendingStates: [ { id: 67, name: 'Expansion' } ],
recoveringStates: [] } ]
This is an usage example:
const { PopulatedSystems } = require('eddb-node-adapter');
const populatedSystems = new PopulatedSystems();
const time = process.hrtime();
const loadStream =;
loadStream.on('data', (system) => console.dir(system, { depth: null, colors: true }));
loadStream.on('error', (err) => console.log('unexpected error', err));
loadStream.on('end', () => {
const [seconds, nanoseconds] = process.hrtime(time);
console.log('Stream finished in %d seconds and %d nanoseconds', seconds, nanoseconds);
Adapter PricesLoader
is a class with a stream
method that returns an stream witch emit a price in each
chunk. The price is an object with a shape like the one exposed in EDDB but with camel case attributes and with
integer values instead of string ones.
This is a populated system object example:
id: 8094879,
stationId: 116,
commodityId: 2,
supply: 0,
supplyBracket: 0,
buyPrice: 0,
sellPrice: 125,
demand: 42760,
demandBracket: 1,
collectedAt: 1542126307
This is an usage example:
const { PricesLoader } = require('eddb-node-adapter');
const pricesLoader = new PricesLoader();
const time = process.hrtime();
const loadStream =;
loadStream.on('data', (price) => console.dir(price, { depth: null, colors: true }));
loadStream.on('error', (err) => console.log('unexpected error', err));
loadStream.on('end', () => {
const [seconds, nanoseconds] = process.hrtime(time);
console.log('Stream finished in %d seconds and %d nanoseconds', seconds, nanoseconds);
Adapter StationsLoader
is a class with a stream
method that returns an stream witch emit an station in each
chunk. The station is an object with a shape like the one exposed in EDDB but with camel case attributes and with
integer values instead of string ones.
This is a station object example:
{ id: 1378,
name: 'Fabian Port',
systemId: 9558,
updatedAt: 1545073196,
maxLandingPadSize: 'L',
distanceToStar: 689,
governmentId: 64,
government: 'Corporate',
allegianceId: 1,
allegiance: 'Alliance',
states: [{ id: 67, name: 'Expansion' }],
typeId: 8,
type: 'Orbis Starport',
hasBlackMarket: false,
hasMarket: true,
hasRefuel: true,
hasRepair: true,
hasRearm: true,
hasOutfitting: true,
hasShipyard: true,
hasDocking: true,
hasCommodities: true,
importCommodities: [ 'Polymers', 'Aluminium', 'H.E. Suits' ],
exportCommodities: [ 'Hydrogen Fuel', 'Slaves', 'Scrap' ],
[ 'Narcotics',
'Combat Stabilisers',
'Imperial Slaves',
'Battle Weapons' ],
economies: [ 'Refinery' ],
shipyardUpdatedAt: 1543281128,
outfittingUpdatedAt: 1543281128,
marketUpdatedAt: 1543281128,
isPlanetary: false,
[ 'Adder',
'Sidewinder Mk. I',
'Type-9 Heavy',
'Type-10 Defender',
'Alliance Chieftain',
'Alliance Crusader' ],
[ 738,
742 ],
settlementSizeId: 64,
settlementSize: '+++',
settlementSecurityId: 1,
settlementSecurity: 'Low',
bodyId: 4419141,
controllingMinorFactionId: 74921
This is an usage example:
const { StationsLoader } = require('eddb-node-adapter');
const stationsLoader = new StationsLoader();
const time = process.hrtime();
const loadStream =;
loadStream.on('data', (station) => console.dir(station, { depth: null, colors: true }));
loadStream.on('error', (err) => console.log('unexpected error', err));
loadStream.on('end', () => {
const [seconds, nanoseconds] = process.hrtime(time);
console.log('Stream finished in %d seconds and %d nanoseconds', seconds, nanoseconds);