Permuter is a tool written in python that allows you to create a passwords lists based on personal data about a person, like the name, born date, id, pet name, any data that can be used to create a password permuting these data to generate a password list. This, like any password maker for BruteForce, may fail. So be smart and patient :).
To use this tool you only need to have basic data of a person, and then follow the next steps.
$ git clone
$ cd permuter
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Usage: pyhton [data 1] [data 2] [data 3] [data 4]... [data n]
(_____ \ _
_____) )____ ____ ____ _ _ _| |_ _____ ____
| ____/ ___ |/ ___) \| | | (_ _) ___ |/ ___)
| | | ____| | | | | | |_| | | |_| ____| |
|_| |_____)_| |_|_|_|____/ \__)_____)_|
Carlos Grillet
Version 0.3
[?]Add special chars[ - _ . ! ][y/n]:
[?]Generate only passwords greater than 8 chars?[y/n]:
[+]Num of items to be permuted: n
[+]Num of possible permutations: p
[!]Creating file of passwords
[!]File locate in: ~/permuter/passw.txt
[!]File save successfully
python --help
python first_name last_name born_date