Take a blast output file and complete it with metadata if the subject sequences are found in NCBI genbank.
It requires a CSV file as input file:
query subject pident length mismatch gaps qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
TR348|c0_g1_i1 gi|768429225|ref|XM_011557484.1| 69.03 2218 657 14 1766 3974 789 2985 0 866
TR291|c0_g1_i2 gi|57506561|dbj|AB126052.1| 69.84 2261 627 29 2 2235 2494 4726 0 931
TR365|c0_g5_i2 gi|910316988|ref|XM_013305788.1| 74.82 2518 617 7 56 2564 68 2577 0 1667
python elum.py blast_file.csv output.csv your_email_address
elum was written by Carlos Pena.