UWP controls for Delphi VCL
1. TUThemeManager: Manager theme (light or dark), accent color and other system settings for UCL controls
2. TUForm: Form with custom border, resizeable and support aerosnap
3. TUCaptionBar: Demo caption bar, can drag to move form, double click to maximize and support system menu
4. TUButton: Like windows 10 button and can customize colors
5. TUCheckBox
6. TURadioButton
7. TUPanel
8. TUSwitch
8. TUHyperLink: Open URL in browser
9. TUText: Text with Styles
10. TUScrollBox: Scrollbox without scrollbar, smooth scrolling enabled
11. TUProgressBar: Like windows 10
12. TUSymbolButton: A button with font icon, text and detail
13. TUPopupBox: Like windows 10 popup menu
14. TUPopupMenu: Replace TPopupMenu with PopupBox
15. TUItemButton: Awesome button, can use as list item, with checkbox, left icon, text, detail and right icon.
16. TUSeparator:
17. TUEdit: