This is a project implemented using Interaction and Interface Design during Interaction and Interface Design (IDI) subject of the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Facultat d'informàtica de Barcelona during 2016's fall term.
The main theme for the application was to make an app for have a control of the books you have, basically is a book database, but with more funcionalities. For present the funcionalities, here are some screenshoots.
Before running the clone, assure that you have the following:
- A computer.
- Android Studio It's necessary to use Android Studio so you can compile and execute the project.
To install the app you only have tu run the apk in an Android Phone or if you don't have and Android phone, you can use an emulator, for example Genymotion
- Android Studio - We use Android Studio developing the hole app. The application doesn't have backend, because the main objective of the project was the interface and the interaction of the screens, for the backend we only have a local database using a text file.
Group Mark: 9