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Cartoview Documentation

This repository is used to edit and build Cartoview documentation available at


To run and edit this documentation locally, please follow the upcoming steps.

  • Create Python Virtual Environment.

    virutalenv -p python3 docs_venv
    # Activate the virutal env
    ## Linux
    source docs_venv/bin/activate
    ## Windows
  • Install Material for MkDocs using pip.

    pip install mkdocs-material
  • Run the documentation.

    # Run on localhost:8000
    mkdocs serve
    # Run on different port (e.g. 7070)
    mkdocs serve -a localhost:7070
  • Each time you edit inside docs folder, the hard-reload will update accordingly.

Build and Deploy

When you're finished editing, you can build a static site from your Markdown files.

mkdocs build

This will generate a folder called site that can be hosted on any web server.

Each time there's a pushed new commit, a new site is automatically built and deployed to GitHub pages (e.g. using GitHub actions workflow (e.g. .github/workflows/MkDocs-CI.yml) to automate the build and deployment of the documentation.

This will generate the site contents in a branch called gh-pages from which will be served.