My first steps after a clean Ubuntu installation. Tested in Ubuntu 18.04, 19.10 and 20.04.
Edit the environment variables (lines 1-6) in and run it.
export password="123456" # User password
export home="/home/username" # Home directory
export paraviewVersion="5.8" # Find the last Paraview version on
export paraviewVersionName="5.8.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.7-64bit" # Find the last Paraview version on
export useremail="user@mail" # Git Hub user email
export username="username" # Git Hub user name
This script will call the subroutines described below.
This routine install essential packages (at least for me). These are:
This routine copies my configuration files to the newly installed Sublime Text folder. After that, the user must install the package manager (Package Control) on Sublime Text, which will automatically install and configure the packages "Cmake" and "LaTeXTools".
This routine install the following packages (and dependencies):
- Boost;
- Eigen;
- FEniCS;
- FFC;
- GMP;
- Gmsh;
- HDF5;
- Mshr;
- PETSc;
- Pkg-config;
- Ply;
- Pybind;
- SLEPc;
- SuiteSparse;
- TetGen;
- Zlib.
Also, the following Python libraries are installed:
This routine removes Mozilla Firefox (which is standard in Ubuntu fresh installations) and install the following softwares:
The routines in the /py folder install the following programs: