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Code and data for the paper "Bridging RL Theory and Practice with the Effective Horizon"

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Bridging RL Theory and Practice with the Effective Horizon

This repository contains code for the papers Bridging RL Theory and Practice with the Effective Horizon and The Effective Horizon Explains Deep RL Performance in Stochastic Environments. It includes the programs used to construct and analyze the BRIDGE dataset.

Part of the code is written in Python and part in Julia. We used Julia for the programs that construct and analyze the tabular representations of the MDPs in BRIDGE, due to its speed and native support for multithreading. We used Python and Stable Baselines3 to run the deep RL experiments. In a previous version of the code we used RLlib instead; it should still be possible to run the RLlib experiments by following the instructions at the bottom of the README.


  1. Install Python 3.8, 3.9, or 3.10. Python 3.11 is currently unsupported because MiniGrid does not support it. If you want to run any of the Julia scripts, install Julia 1.8 or later (other versions may work but are untested).

  2. If you just need the Python code, run pip install effective-horizon. Run pip install effective-horizon[sb3] to also install the dependencies for running deep RL experiments.

  3. Alternatively, to use the Julia code, clone the repository:

     git clone
     cd effective-horizon
  4. Install pip requirements:

     pip install -e .
  5. If you want to run deep RL experiments, install stable-baselines3 and imitation by running:

     pip install -e .[sb3]
  6. Install Julia requirements:

     julia --project=EffectiveHorizon.jl -e "using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()"
  7. If you want to construct tabular representations of Atari MDPs, run the following command to install our custom version of the ALE library:

     sudo cp -v EffectiveHorizon.jl/ $(julia --project=EffectiveHorizon.jl -e 'using Libdl, ArcadeLearningEnvironment; print(dlpath(ArcadeLearningEnvironment.libale_c))')
  8. If you see an error about, install OpenCV 2 dependencies (more info):

     sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y


The BRIDGE dataset can be downloaded here: The download contains a README with more information about the format of the data.

Also, see the getting_started.ipynb notebook for examples of how to use the MDPs in the BRIDGE dataset.

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This section explains how to get started with using the code and how to run the experiments from the paper.

Environments in BRIDGE

All of the environments in BRIDGE are made available as gym environments.

Atari: Atari environments follow the naming convention BRIDGE/$ROM_$HORIZON_fs$FRAMESKIP-v0. For instance, Pong with a horizon of 50 and frameskip of 30 can be instantiated via gym.make("BRIDGE/pong_50_fs30-v0").

Procgen: Procgen environments follow the naming convention BRIDGE/$GAME_$DIFFICULTY_l$LEVEL_$HORIZON_fs$FRAMESKIP-v0. For instance, to instantiate CoinRun easy level 0 with a horizon of 10 and frameskip of 8, run gym.make("BRIDGE/coinrun_easy_l0_10_fs8-v0").

MiniGrid: MiniGrid environments follow the naming convention BRIDGE/MiniGrid-$ENV-v0. For instance, run gym.make("BRIDGE/MiniGrid-Empty-5x5-v0") or gym.make("BRIDGE/MiniGrid-KeyCorridorS3R1-v0"). There are also versions of the MiniGrid environments with shaped reward functions. There are three shaping functions used in the paper: Distance, OpenDoors, and Pickup. To use the environments with these shaping functions, add the shaping functions and then Shaped after the environment name. For instance, run gym.make("BRIDGE/MiniGrid-Empty-5x5-DistanceShaped-v0") or gym.make("BRIDGE/MiniGrid-UnlockPickup-OpenDoorsPickupShaped-v0").

Sticky-action environments

In The Effective Horizon Explains Deep RL Performance in Stochastic Environments, we used sticky-action versions of the BRIDGE environments where there is a 25% chance of repeating the previous action at each timestep. These environments can be constructed by replacing -v0 with -Sticky-v0.

RL training

PPO: To train PPO on the environments in BRIDGE, run:

python -m effective_horizon.sb3.train with algo=PPO \
use_subproc=True env_name="BRIDGE/pong_50_fs30-v0" \
gamma=1 seed=0 algo_args.n_steps=128 

In both papers, we tuned n_steps from the choices of 128 and 1,280.

DQN: To train DQN on the environments in BRIDGE, run:

python -m effective_horizon.sb3.train with algo=DQN \
env_name="BRIDGE/pong_50_fs30-v0" \
gamma=1 seed=0 algo_args.exploration_fraction=0.1 algo_args.learning_starts=0

We tuned exploration_fraction from the choices of 0.1 and 1.

GORP: Greedy Over Random Policy (GORP) was introduced in Bridging RL Theory and Practice with the Effective Horizon. While there is a faster Julia implementation of GORP, we also provide a Stable-baselines3 implementation so that it can easily be tested in new environments. To train GORP on the environments in BRIDGE, run:

python -m effective_horizon.sb3.train with algo=GORP \
env_name="BRIDGE/pong_50_fs30-v0" \
gamma=1 seed=0 \
algo_args.episodes_per_action_sequence=$M \

Replace $M and $K with the parameters $m$ and $k$ (see the paper for more details).

SQIRL: Shallow Q-Iteration via Reinforcement Learning (SQIRL) was introduced in The Effective Horizon Explains Deep RL Performance in Stochastic Environments. To train SQIRL on the environments in BRIDGE, run:

python -m effective_horizon.sb3.train with algo=SQIRL \
env_name="BRIDGE/pong_50_fs30-Sticky-v0" \
gamma=1 seed=0 \
algo_args.episodes_per_timestep=$M \

Again, replace $M and $K with the parameters $m$ and $k$ described in the paper.

Note: For sticky-action MiniGrid environments, we used gamma=0.99, as otherwise we found that deep RL generally failed.

Long-horizon Atari environments

In both papers, we also ran experiments comparing RL algorithms on more typical Atari environments that have a maximum episode length of 27,000 timesteps and use a frameskip of only 3 or 4. To train RL algorithms on the deterministic versions of these environments (used in the first paper), use the parameters

env_name=BRIDGE/Atari-v0 rom_file=pong \
horizon=27_000 frameskip=4 \
deterministic=True done_on_life_lost=True \
reward_scale=1 gamma=0.99 timesteps=10_000_000

for the above commands. Replace pong with the snake_case name of the game. We set reward_scale differently for each Atari games (see Table 5 in the paper).

To train RL algorithms on the stochastic (sticky-action) versions of these environments (used in the second paper), use the parameters

env_name=PongNoFrameskip-v4 is_atari=True \
atari_wrapper_kwargs='{"terminal_on_life_loss": False, "action_repeat_probability": 0.25}' \
gamma=0.99 use_impala_cnn=True \
timesteps=10_000_000 eval_freq=100_000

Constructing and analyzing tabular MDPs

There are a number of scripts, mostly written in Julia, that we used to construct and analyze the tabular representations of the MDPs in the BRIDGE dataset. All of the Julia scripts can be sped up by running them with multiple threads via the flag --threads, e.g., julia --threads=16 --project=EffectiveHorizon.jl .... Before running any of these, make sure to set your PYTHONPATH to include the effective_horizon package via export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd). Each script is listed below.

Constructing tabular MDPs: the construct_mdp.jl script constructs tabular representations of the MDPs in BRIDGE.

  • To construct the tabular representation of an Atari MDP, run

    julia  --project=EffectiveHorizon.jl EffectiveHorizon.jl/src/construct_mdp.jl \
        --rom freeway \
        -o path/to/store/mdp \
        --horizon 10 \
        --frameskip 30 \
        --done_on_life_lost \

    For the skiing_10_fs30 MDP, additionally use the option --noops_after_horizon 200.

  • For a Procgen MDP, run

    julia --project=EffectiveHorizon.jl EffectiveHorizon.jl/src/construct_mdp.jl \
        --env_name maze \
        --distribution_mode easy \
        --level 0 \
        -o path/to/store/mdp \
        --horizon 30 \
        --frameskip 1 \
  • For a MiniGrid MDP, run

    export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
    julia --project=EffectiveHorizon.jl EffectiveHorizon.jl/src/construct_mdp.jl \
        --minigrid \
        --env_name BRIDGE/MiniGrid-KeyCorridorS3R1-v0 \
        -o path/to/store/mdp \
        --horizon 100000000 \
        --frameskip 1

See the appendices of the paper for the exact values of horizon and frameskip used for each Atari/Procgen MDP in BRIDGE. We used the above values for all MiniGrid MDPs, since it is actually possible to enumerate every state in the MiniGrid environments.

This script outputs three files to the directory specified after -o:

  • mdp.npz: the full tabular representation of the MDP with all states that differ at all in their internal environment representations.
  • consolidated.npz: in this representation, states which are indistinguishable (i.e., every sequence of actions leads to the same sequence of rewards and screens) are combined. This is what we used for analysis in the paper.
  • consolidated_ignore_screen.npz: similar to consolidated.npz, except that we do not consider screens for determinining indistinguishability. That is, states are combined if every sequence of actions leads to the same sequence of rewards.

See data format for more details of how these files are structured.

Analyzing MDPs: the analyze_mdp.jl script performs various analyses of MDPs, including those used to calculate many of the sample complexity bounds in our paper. You can run it with the command

julia --project=EffectiveHorizon.jl EffectiveHorizon.jl/src/analyze_mdp.jl \
    --mdp path/to/mdp/consolidated.npz \
    --horizon 10

Replace the horizon with the appropriate value for the environment. You can also specify an exploration policy with the option --exploration_policy path/to/exploration_policy.npy (see exploration policy section below for more details). This will output a few files:

  • consolidated_analyzed.json: contains various analysis metrics for the environment, including:
    • min_k: minimum value of $k$ for which the MDP is $k$-QVI-solvable.
    • epw: the effective planning window $W$.
    • effective_horizon_results:
      • effective_horizon: a bound on the effective horizon using Theorem 5.4.
    • min_occupancy_results: used to calculate the covering length $L$. It can be bounded above by log(2 * num_states * num_actions) / min_state_action_occupancy.
  • consolidated_analyzed_value_dists_*.npy: these numpy arrays (one for each timestep) contain the full distribution over rewards-to-go when following the exploration policy from each state.

Analyzing sticky-action MDPs: the analyze_sticky_actions.jl script performs analyses of MDPs with sticky actions, i.e., where there is a probability of repeating the last action at each timestep. It is called similarly to analyze_mdp.jl, but does not support --exploration_policy:

julia --project=EffectiveHorizon.jl EffectiveHorizon.jl/src/analyze_sticky_actions.jl \
    --mdp path/to/mdp/consolidated.npz \
    --horizon 10

It will output a file consolidated_analyzed_sticky_0.25 (the 0.25 is because the probability of a random action is 25%). This file includes:

  • optimal_return, random_return, and worst_return: the optimal return, the return of the policy that takes actions uniformly at random, and the minimum possible return.
  • greedy_returns: a list of returns $J_1, \dots, J_5$, where $J_i$ is the return of the policy which acts greedily on $Q^i$. In the paper, $Q^1$ is defined as the Q-function of the random policy, and $Q^{i+1}$ is the result of applying one step of Q-value iteration to $Q^i$.
  • min_k: minimum value of $k$ for which the sticky-action MDP is $k$-QVI-solvable.
  • epw: the effective planning window $W$ of the sticky-action MDP.

Computing bounds on the effective horizon: the compute_gorp_bounds.jl script uses the techniques in Appendix C to give more precise bounds on the effective horizon. It can be run with the command

julia --project=EffectiveHorizon.jl EffectiveHorizon.jl/src/compute_gorp_bounds.jl \
--mdp path/to/mdp/consolidated.npz \
--use_value_dists \
--horizon 10 \
--max_k 1 \
-o path/to/output.json

The --use_value_dists option relies on the outputs of the analyze_mdp.jl script to give tighter bounds. The --max_k option specifies the maximum value of $k$ for which a bound on $H_k$ will be calculated. Higher values of $k$ take exponentially longer to run so we recommend starting with a small value (1-3) and increasing it if the bounds are not satisfactory. This script also takes the --exploration_policy option, similar to analyze_mdp.jl.

The will produce an output JSON file with the following results:

  • sample_complexity: the best bound on the sample complexity of GORP over all values of $k$.
  • effective_horizon: the best bound on the effective horizon over all values of $k$.
  • k_results: bounds on the sample complexity and effective horizon for specific values of $k$.

Running GORP empirically

To use GORP to learn a policy for an environment, we provide both a gym-compatible Python implementation (documented above) and a faster, parallelized Julia implementation which can run on the tabular MDPs in BRIDGE that is described here.

To train GORP with Julia, run:

julia --project=EffectiveHorizon.jl EffectiveHorizon.jl/src/run_gorp.jl \
--mdp path/to/mdp/consolidated.npz \
--horizon 10 \
--max_sample_complexity 100000000 \
--num_runs 101 \
--optimal_return OPTIMAL_RETURN \
--k $K \
-o path/to/output.json

This script works a bit differently from the Python one—given a value of $k$ and the optimal return for the MDP, it searches for the minimum value of $m$ such that GORP finds an optimal policy at least half the time.

It also takes the --exploration_policy option, similarly to analyze_mdp.jl and compute_gorp_bounds.jl.

Exploration policies

This section describes our experiments on using the effective horizon to understand initializing deep RL with a pretrained policy. We trained exploration policies for many of the Atari and Procgen environments.

Training an exploration policy for Atari: we trained these policies using behavior cloning on the Atari-HEAD dataset. After downloading the data from Zenodo, convert it to RLlib format by running

python -m effective_horizon.experiments.convert_atari_head_data with \
data_dir=path/to/atari_head/freeway out_dir=path/to/rllib_data

Then, run this command on the output of the previous command to filter the actions to the minimal set for each Atari game:

python -m effective_horizon.experiments.filter_to_minimal_actions with \
data_dir=path/to/rllib_data rom=freeway out_dir=path/to/rllib_minimal_action_data

Finally, train a behavior cloned policy:

python -m rl_theory.experiments.train_bc with env_name=mdps/freeway_10_fs30-v0 \
input=path/to/rllib_minimal_action_data log_dir=data/logs num_workers=0 \
num_workers=0 entropy_coeff=0.1

This will create a number of checkpoint files under data/logs; we use checkpoint-100 for the exploration policy.

Training an exploration policy for Procgen: we trained these policies using PPO on a disjoint set of Procgen levels from those contained in BRIDGE. To train an exploration policy for Procgen, run

python -m effective_horizon.experiments.train with env_name=procgen procgen_env_name=maze \
run=PPO train_batch_size=10000 rollout_fragment_length=100 sgd_minibatch_size=1000 \
num_sgd_iter=10 num_training_iters=2500 seed=0 log_dir=data/logs entropy_coeff=0.1

Again, this will create a number of checkpoint files under data/logs; we use checkpoint-2500.

Generating tabular versions of exploration policies: the policies created by the above commands cannot immediately be used for analysis since they are represented by neural networks rather than tabularly. To convert the neural network policies to tabular representations, take the following steps:

  1. For Atari MDPs, construct a "framestack" version of the MDP. Since neural network policies for Atari typically take in the last few frames in addition to the current one, we must construct a new tabular representation with states based on multiple frames instead of just one. Run

    python -m effective_horizon.experiments.convert_atari_mdp_to_framestack with mdp=path/to/mdp/consolidated.npz horizon=10 out=path/to/mdp/consolidated_framestack.npz
  2. Now, construct the tabular policy. Run

    python -m effective_horizon.experiments.construct_tabular_policy with mdp=path/to/mdp/consolidated.npz checkpoint=path/to/checkpoint horizon=10 run=RUN out=path/to/mdp/exploration_policy.npy

    Replace the horizon with the appropriate horizon and specify run=BC for Atari and run=PPO for Procgen. The resulting exploration_policy.npy file can be passed to the analysis scripts as described above.

Usage (RLlib)

This section describes how to run experiments with the older RLlib code. Before running these, install RLlib by running

pip install -e .[rllib]

If you see errors related to pydantic, run pip uninstall -y pydantic.

RL training

PPO: To train PPO on the environments in BRIDGE, run:

python -m effective_horizon.experiments.train with env_name="BRIDGE/pong_50_fs30-v0" \
run=PPO train_batch_size=10000 rollout_fragment_length=100 sgd_minibatch_size=1000 \
num_sgd_iter=10 num_training_iters=500 seed=0

We tuned train_batch_size from the choices of 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000; the num_training_iters was set appropriately to 5,000, 500, or 50 respectively so that the total number of environment steps over the course of training was 5 million.

DQN: To train DQN on the environments in BRIDGE, run:

python -m effective_horizon.experiments.train with env_name="BRIDGE/pong_50_fs30-v0" \
run=FastDQN train_batch_size=10000 rollout_fragment_length=100 sgd_minibatch_size=1000 \
num_training_iters=1000000 stop_on_timesteps=5000000 seed=0 epsilon_timesteps="$EPSILON_TIMESTEPS" \
dueling=True double_q=True prioritized_replay=True learning_starts=0 simple_optimizer=True

We tuned epsilon_timesteps from the choices of 500,000 and 5,000,000.

GORP: To train GORP using the Python implementation, run:

python -m effective_horizon.experiments.train with env_name="BRIDGE/pong_50_fs30-v0" \
run=GORP episodes_per_action_seq=$M seed=0

Replace $M with the desired parameter $m$ for running GORP. This implementation always uses $k = 1$.

For both PPO and DQN, the level of parallelism can be chosen by adding num_workers=N to the command, which will start N worker processes collecting rollouts in parallel.


If you find this repository useful for your research, please consider citing one or both of our papers as follows:

  title={Bridging RL Theory and Practice with the Effective Horizon},
  author={Laidlaw, Cassidy and Russell, Stuart and Dragan, Anca},
  title={The Effective Horizon Explains Deep RL Performance in Stochastic Environments},
  author={Laidlaw, Cassidy and Zhu, Banghua and Russell, Stuart and Dragan, Anca},


For questions about the paper or code, please contact


Code and data for the paper "Bridging RL Theory and Practice with the Effective Horizon"






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