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3.2.1 Add a new note

Christophe Avonture edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

In version 1.0, the creation of the note isn't yet foreseen in the software itself

In order to create a new note, open a files explorer application, go to your documents folder (by default : the docs folder of your website root folder). Create a new folder and/or use an existing one and simply create a new text file with .md as file's extension.

Take a look on this file : open this file with a text editor (like Notepad on Windows). The file is "just" text, with a very few tags (like the presence of hash tags).

The advantage of Markdown is to be able to quickly type a note, that doens't need a client like a web browser to read it. The Markdown language is self-describing and writing such file is fast : just type your text.

Markdown offers tags to be able to create headings (heading 1 till 6), quotes, bold, italic, ... You can type lists, insert images, ... easily, almost naturally.

Writing in Markdown ask a very few learning. If you don't know this syntax, refer to the official GitHub guide : You can also play online with

There are a lot of dedicated editors, free or commercial, to make life easier. At writing time, I'm using Typora, before it, I've used MarkdownPad 2.

The docs folder is where to put your own notes. A note is just a text file having the .md extension (should have that extension!)

Try it : with your file's explorer program, go to the /docs folder, create a subfolder and create there a new file having the .md extension. You can create such file with any text editor program. For instance, type the following line in that file, save and refresh your page. You'll see it.

#Hello world

The docs folder can be organized just like you want : create as many subfolders you want and organize your notes in that subfolders, just like you already do since years with files and folders on your computer. Nothing to learn here.

Don't forget : notes should be taken by using the Markdown format and files should have .md file's extension.

By refreshing the interface, the index.php script of this application will scan the entire folder and display its content in a "treeview" as illustrated here below. By clicking one a file, it's "hmtl" representation will be displayed in the right side

Main interface