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A simple CRUD(Create Read Update Delete) REST JSON service for accounts under the route "/accounts". Important: the accounts must have a unique integer id for getting accountDetails in point "2" of the required task.
A third-party service is used to get an accountDetails string. The third-party service uses socket communication with TLS1.2, you should be able to establish a connection and send/receive JSON messages. For getting the accountDetails string, you must send a JSON request in the form of {"id":3}, and will receive a JSON response in the form of
{"id":3, accountDetails:"jhf7yf83h92h37d287u2nc9728c9h02897gc230c308g"}
. Each message must be send with\r\n
Service URI
To test it use - openssl s_client -connect
File upload and listing under the route "/files".
There should be some kind of authentication in order to make requests into the REST service. The accounts added should be able to login and also add accounts.
Unit tests
- All data must be save to a database
- All requests/responses, except for file upload requests, must be in the form of JSON
- The REST service should use HTTPS
- The system should be implemented with scalability and high-load in mind
- Code should be written in a readable and maintainable way
- The solution can use any sound technology/library in Java, bare minimum is Spring