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Peter Shaw edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the CCC-tv wiki!

We use this page to plan and discuss new features. Please use the Issues to introduce a new proposal first. We will copy every accepted Feature to the roadmap and we'll create a dedicated wiki page for further details.



develop This is the default branch for development. Please branch your work from this branch.

master Here is the AppStore version located. The develop branch will be merged into this branch on a regular basis.

libre This is the uncensored version of the app. Changes from the develop branch will be merged into this branch on a regular bases.


Who decide which feature will be added to the roadmap?

The community! it is very important that you add a new feature request to the Issues first. Everyone can discuss the feature and if there is no conflict with any other task we will copy it over to the roadmap.

Can I do something?

Sure, please pick a feature from the roadmap and describe the implementation in an dedicated wiki page. If there is a page already open XCode and start to implement it.

How can I submit my code?

Please refer the Pull-request to a wiki page or an issue. Thats it. All pull requests that relates to an feature from the roadmap or fixes in issue will be accepted for the next release.