NaughtMQ is a zero-config, zero-hassle way to use ZeroMQ with the JVM on the three major platforms (Linux, OS X, Windows). It currently bundles ZeroMQ 3.2.4 and jzmq 2.2.2.
As the version number suggest, this is a very early, alpha-level release.
Expect things to break. At the moment, I have been able to successfully run the
example programs below (in a lein uberjar
) on OS X, Linux x86 and Linux
x86_64 (the same virtual machines as used for compiling, though on a clean
slate), and on Windows XP x86. I do not have access to a 64-bit version of
Windows for testing, though the package should work (Visual Studio allows for
the compilation of 64bit binaries on a 32bit machine).
To include this library in a Leiningen-based project, add this line to your dependencies:
[naughtmq "0.0.2"]
Then, in your main namespace, require or use the naughtmq.core
before you import org.zeromq.ZMQ
. As Clojure loads Java classes on
import, you have to structure your ns
declaration such that naughtmq
first. Here is a minimal example of a Clojure namespace using naughtmq
(ns zmq-test.core
(:require [naughtmq.core :as nc])
(:import [org.zeromq ZMQ]))
(defn -main
[& args]
(println (ZMQ/getFullVersion)))
To allow for org.zeromq.ZMQ
to be imported in the ns
declaration, I have
set naughtmq.core
to load the native libraries upon compilation. This means
that there is nothing else to do than require
ing the namespace.
The jar is on clojars, so you will have to add:
to your pom.xml
, in addition to the dependency to this library:
Java, in contrast with Clojure, does not actually load classes upon import.
The JVM actually waits for the first use of a class to load it, which means
that the usage for naughtmq
is quite natural. Here is a minimal example:
package test.zmq.with.naught;
import org.zeromq.ZMQ; // order does not matter here
public class Main {
// this line must appear before any ZMQ call
static { naughtmq.Loader.load(); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(ZMQ.getFullVersion()); // ZMQ is loaded here
// since the native libs have already been loaded by this point,
// everything works.
If you want to build the binaries yourself (for example because you need a
different version of ZeroMQ), the process is, for the most part, easily
reproducible. To build the OS X binaries on OS X, just execute the Rakefile in
. To build the Linux binaries, any UNIX with
Rake and Vagrant
will do (I have not made any extensive testing with other versions; I have used
Vagrant 1.5.4; I believe 1.5 is mandatory for the new boxes
On Windows, I have no idea how to automate things. The build process is quite straightforward if you have access to Visual Studio.
Copyright © 2014 Gary Verhaegen
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.