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Builds Neobuf Packages from Protobuf files using Protoplasm! :D

Super Important Info

Neobuilder releases are NOT guaranteed to be backwards compatible with older versions of Protoplasm and trying to run Neobuilder built code in a Protoplasm release who's major and/or minor versions lag behind will more often than not just break.

A difference in the patch version should most often be fine, as should using a Protoplasm release that's one or more minor versions ahead of the Neobuilder used to build code.


The versioning of Neobuilder and Protoplasm (major and minor versions) go hand in hand; i.e. when Protoplasm's major of minor versions bump, a new NeoBuilder should also be released with the same major and minor version, even if there's no actual code change needed in NeoBuilder to support whatever changed in Protoplasm.

Note that in order to simplify and ease this synchronous development, release and versioning, the NeoBuilder package for the latest Protoplasm should generally NOT be dependent on any new features added to that package, so that the NeoBuilder package can be built and released FIRST and it can build code for its corresponding Protoplasm version, withing having that latest version actually installed.

This is done in order to not create a circular dependency on features between the two but instead have NeoBuilder only depend on the previous version of Protoplasm, especially for its pre-release unit-tests, and instead allow Protoplasm to fully depend on the latest NeoBuilder for its unit-tests.

Useful info

Installing this package creates a command line executable called neobuild (or neobuild.exe in Windows) in Python's Scripts folder so you just run the neobuild command from a console.


Assuming you've got a package called sandbox and you're storing your protobuf files in a directory called proto and you want to spit out the build into the directory build just go:

neobuild sandbox 

Versioning Your Package

If you place a plain text file called VERSION in the root of your proto package (e.g. /proto/sandbox/VERSION from the example above) and skip any versioning parameters (the --major, -m, --patch and -p guys) Neobuilder will use that file for versioning.

The first line in the file should be the semantic version number x.y.z.a

More stuff

usage: [-h] [-m | -p] [-b [BUILDROOT]] [-v] [-i] [-I INCLUDE] package [protopath]

Builds neobuf packages with protoplasm.

positional arguments:
  package               Package name
  protopath             Path to the root of the protobuf files (default="./proto")

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m, --major           Bump the major version number instead of the minor
  -p, --patch           Bump the patch version number instead of the minor
  -b [BUILDROOT], --buildroot [BUILDROOT]
                        Path to the root of the output build files (default="./build")
  -v, --verbose         Spits out DEBUG level logs
  -i, --pyi             Builds *.pyi for the pb2 files as well (default=False)
  -I INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
                        Optional additional proto paths to include (can be used multiple times)

Neobuilder v5.3.1 - Protoplasm v5.2.0