Document Address:
composer require ccpayment/php-sdk:dev-master
use CCPayment\v1\CCPay;
$resp = CCPay::CheckUser("9454818","202301310325561620262074393440256","c4600b8125b7ed23b5b7b8ee4acb42f4");
Name | Required | Type | Description |
$appid | Y | string | Partner unique ID, once a merchant has been on-boarded with CCPayment Pay, the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appId |
$appSecret | Y | string | Partner unique ID, once a merchant has been on-boarded with CCPayment Pay, the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appSecret |
use CCPayment\v1\CCPay;
$resp = CCPay::GetSupportToken("202301310325561620262074393440256","c4600b8125b7ed23b5b7b8ee4acb42f4");
Name | Required | Type | Description |
code | Y | Integer | |
msg | Y | string | |
data | Y | object | |
data.list | Y | array | |
data.list.token_id | Y | string | The unique identifier of token |
data.list.crypto | Y | string | crypto symbol | | Y | string | Currency full name |
data.list.price | Y | string | Current price (in USD) |
data.list.min | Y | string | Minimum trading amount |
data.list.logo | Y | string | crypto logo |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
$token_id | Y | string | Returned token_id form token |
$appid | Y | string | the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appId |
$appSecret | Y | string | appSecret |
use CCPayment\v1\CCPay;
$resp = CCPay::GetTokenChain(["token_id"=>"58f93c4d-ce0b-4c7c-af77-b4b299718715"], "202301310325561620262074393440256","c4600b8125b7ed23b5b7b8ee4acb42f4");
Name | Required | Type | Description |
code | Y | Integer | |
msg | Y | string | |
data | Y | object | |
data.list | Y | array | |
data.list.token_id | Y | string | The unique identifier of the network chain |
data.list.crypto | Y | string | crypto symbol | | Y | string | Currency full name | | Y | string | crypto network |
data.list.chain | Y | string | crypto chain |
data.list.contract | Y | string | Contract |
data.list.logo | Y | string | crypto logo |
data.list.chain_logo | Y | string | Network logo |
Manage 100% of your front-end interactions and use our APIs to build your own checkout page.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
$token_id | Y | string | Returned token_id form token chain |
$amount | Y | string | Amount of Merchant's orders (in USD by default, cannot exceed 2 decimal places) |
$product_price | Y | string | Amount of Merchant's orders (in USD by default, cannot exceed 2 decimal places) |
$merchant_order_id | Y | string | Merchant orders, cannot be repeated |
$denominated_currency | Y | string | The currency for calculating the order price, it could be cryptocurrency or fiat currency |
$remark | N | string | remark |
$appid | Y | string | the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appId |
$appSecret | Y | string | appSecret |
use CCPayment\v1\CCPay;
$resp = CCPay::CreateOrder([
"denominated_currency"=> "USD"
], "202301310325561620262074393440256","c4600b8125b7ed23b5b7b8ee4acb42f4");
Name | Required | Type | Description |
code | Y | Integer | |
msg | Y | string | |
data | Y | object | |
data.order_id | Y | string | CCPayment order id |
data.crypto | Y | string | crypto symbol |
data.amount | Y | string | Amount (in USD by default) |
data.logo | Y | string | crypto logo | | Y | string | network |
data.pay_address | Y | string | payment address |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
$valid_timestamp | N | Integer | The validity period of the order.It is recommended that the validity period uploaded by the merchant should be less than the actual validity period of the merchant's order, due to the fact that it may take some time for the transaction on the chain to arrive.BTC will arrive within 24 hours and other tokens will usually arrive within 30 minutes.Unless the merchant specifies a validity period for the order, the order validity period will be set to 24 hours by default, and there is a maximum validity period of 10 days. |
$amount | Y | string | Amount of Merchant's orders (in USD by default, cannot exceed 2 decimal places) |
$merchant_order_id | Y | string | Merchant orders, cannot be repeated |
$product_name | Y | string | Merchandise name |
$return_url | N | string | The URL used to return to the merchant after the user completes the payment |
$appid | Y | string | the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appId |
$appSecret | Y | string | appSecret |
use CCPayment\v1\CCPay;
$resp = CCPay::CheckoutUrl([
"product_name"=> "knowledge is power"
], "202301310325561620262074393440256","c4600b8125b7ed23b5b7b8ee4acb42f4");
Name | Required | Type | Description |
code | Y | Integer | |
msg | Y | string | |
data | Y | object | |
data.payment_url | Y | string | URL link of payment |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
$token_id | Y | string | token_id returned by passing token list when sending crypto to a Cwallet account |
$address | Y | string | Pass the Cwallet ID when sending to a Cwallet account |
$merchant_order_id | Y | string | Merchant orders, cannot be repeated |
$value | Y | string | Quantity of withdrawal |
$appid | Y | string | the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appId |
$appSecret | Y | string | appSecret |
use CCPayment\v1\CCPay;
$resp = CCPay::Withdraw([
"token_id"=>"85db36af-3282-4501-9357-67da32691ab7",//matic POLYGON
// "token_id"=>"8e5741cf-6e51-4892-9d04-3d40e1dd0128",//POLYGON f137d42c-f3a6-4f23-9402-76f0395d0cfe
// "address"=>"9454818",
], "202301310325561620262074393440256","c4600b8125b7ed23b5b7b8ee4acb42f4");
Name | Required | Type | Description |
code | Y | Integer | |
msg | Y | string | |
data | Y | object | |
data.order_id | Y | string | CCPayment order id |
data.network_fee | Y | string | network fee |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
$token_id | Y | string | Returned token_id from token chain or token list |
$amount | Y | string | Amount (USD by default) |
$appid | Y | string | the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appId |
$appSecret | Y | string | appSecret |
use CCPayment\v1\CCPay;
$resp = CCPay::GetTokenRate(["token_id"=>"e8f64d3d-df5b-411d-897f-c6d8d30206b7","amount"=>"12"], "202301310325561620262074393440256","c4600b8125b7ed23b5b7b8ee4acb42f4");
Name | Required | Type | Description |
code | Y | Integer | |
msg | Y | string | |
data | Y | object | |
data.price | Y | string | Crypto current price (in USD) |
data.value | Y | string | Number of corresponding currency |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
$token_id | Y | string | Returned token_id from token chain |
$appid | Y | string | the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appId |
$appSecret | Y | string | appSecret |
use CCPayment\v1\CCPay;
$resp = CCPay::NetworkFee(["token_id"=>"0912e09a-d8e2-41d7-a0bc-a25530892988"], "202301310325561620262074393440256","c4600b8125b7ed23b5b7b8ee4acb42f4");
Name | Required | Type | Description |
code | Y | Integer | |
msg | Y | string | |
data | Y | object | |
data.token_id | Y | string | |
data.crypto | Y | string | crypto symbol |
data.fee | Y | string | network fee |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
$token_id | N | string | Returned token_id form token list |
$appid | Y | string | the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appId |
$appSecret | Y | string | appSecret |
use CCPayment\v1\CCPay;
$resp = CCPay::Assets("202301310325561620262074393440256","c4600b8125b7ed23b5b7b8ee4acb42f4","");
Name | Required | Type | Description |
code | Y | Integer | |
msg | Y | string | |
data | Y | object | |
data.list | Y | array | |
data.list.token_id | Y | string | Returned token_id form token list |
data.list.crypto | Y | string | crypto symbol | | Y | string | Currency full name |
data.list.value | Y | string | Quantity |
data.list.price | Y | string | Crypto current price (in USD) |
data.list.logo | Y | string | crypto logo |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
$cId | Y | string | cwallet id |
$appid | Y | string | Partner unique ID, once a merchant has been on-boarded with CCPayment Pay, the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appId |
$appSecret | Y | string | Partner unique ID, once a merchant has been on-boarded with CCPayment Pay, the merchant will be provided with the credentials with appSecret |
use CCPayment\v1\CCPay;
$resp = CCPay::CheckUser("9454818","202301310325561620262074393440256","c4600b8125b7ed23b5b7b8ee4acb42f4");
Name | Required | Type | Description |
code | Y | Integer | |
msg | Y | string | |
data | Y | object | |
data.c_id | Y | string | cwallet id |
data.nickname | Y | string | cwallet nikename |