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A small package tracking system. é um projeto para desenvolver um sistema de rastreamento e frete de encomendas leves para serem entregues pelas capitais do Brasil, visando expansão para o mundo.

Através do os clientes poderão entregar itens de no máximo 5kg por entre regiões capitais com tempo de entrega médio de um dia útil e máximo de três dias úteis.


All the ids are randomly generated and it generates a QRCode.

The QRCode is scanned by the motoboy when the package reaches consumer's house.

And the package status is updated on the server. The changed data is sent to both MySQL and MongoDB databases.

  • The router is implemmented by thedevdojo

  • Databases engineering - All the data about tracking is hosted in a NoSQL database (MongoDB in this case) and about clients, warehouses and less-changing information data is hosted in a Relational SQL database (MySQL in this case).

The structure of the MongoDB is divided in 1 schema, that one is the package schema (PacksSchema). Its structure:

_id: A string-type field which is automatically filled by the idGenerator.php;

statusId: A integer-type field which is filled by the data that previously came from the user input;

lastUpdate: A date-type field which is automatically filled the date using the Mongo Engine;

postDate: A date-type field which is automatically filled in the first using the date using the Mongo Engine and by the user's input in the following ones;

location: An array containing the warehouse names where the package once have had been;

warehouseId: A integer-type field which is filled by the data that previously came from the MySQL input;

The structure of the MySQL is divided in 3 tables. Its structure::

table 'customer':

idCustomer -Pk -serial -notnull
name -varchar -100 -notnull 
birth -date
email -varchar -255 -notnull
phone -varchar -50 -notnull
address ?-varchar -255 -notnull
/passwd -sha2

table 'address':

idCustomer -Fk
l1Add -varchar -255 -notnull
l2Add -varchar -255 -notnull
stNum -integer -notnull
district -varchar -255 -notnull
city -varchar -255 -notnull
state -varchar -50 -notnull
CC -varchar -2 -notnull
zip -numeric -notnull

table 'warehouse':
idWarehouse -Pk
name -varchar -255 -notnull
l1Add -varchar -255 -notnull
l2Add -varchar -255 -notnull
stNum -integer -notnull
district -varchar -255 -notnull
city -varchar -255 -notnull
state -varchar -50 -notnull
CC -varchar -2 -notnull
zip -numeric -notnull

table 'deliverers':
register -serial -Pk
name -varchar -255 -notnull
username -varchar -255 -notnull
phone -varchar -100 -notnull
passwd -varchar -255 -notnull
role -number -3 -notnull

//table 'packs':
packCode -Pk
idcustomer -Fk
idWarehouse -Fk
  • Mobile engineering - The mobile app is developed in React both to iOS and Android devices. Containing minimously a kind-of web-view with push-in notifications and email replies.

  • Web engineering - The webapp is entirely in PHP and JavaScript back-end and HTML + CSS front-end with some JS resources.

  • Secure engineering - All the data is sent to the client in the view layer within a SSH secure channel which provides a high-secured environment to both customers and employees.


A small package tracking system.






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