This code is related to the following publications:
- Chapter 3 of the PhD thesis,: "Active Learning in RecommenderSystems: An Unbiased and Beyond-Accuracy Perspective", by Diego Carraro. (to be published)
- Journal article: "A Sampling Approach to Debiasing the Offline Evaluation of Recommender Systems", by Diego Carraro and Derek Bridge. (to be published)
- Conference article: "Debiased Offline Evaluation of Recommender Systems: A Weighted-Sampling Approach", by Diego Carraro and Derek Bridge. Procs. of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM, pp.1435-1442, 2020.
The repository is divided into two Jupiter notebooks:
- "Debiasing Intervention.ipynb", which provides the code to reproduce the data preparation for the experiments performed in the various publications.
- "Create Sample Dataset.ipynb", which creates sample data to test the code. Indeed, datasests used for the experiments are not pubicly available, but only available under request