express app connected to zora api & nextjs app to display data retrieved from express api
Install the dependencies for the api && app via yarn
(preferable) or npm
cd api && yarn && cd ..
cd app && yarn && cd ..
Start the servers for both api and app to run at the same time
cd api
cp .env.example .env
yarn start
This will start a server on http://localhost:3001
. The PORT and other env variables can be be configured in the .env file.
cd app
yarn dev
Simple express app with 2 routes:
- / is simply for a test and displays a message as such
- /api/nft/:address is the one used to send the following query to the Zora api based on the provided address:
const query = `
query($ownerAddresses: [String!]) {
tokens(networks: [{ network: ETHEREUM, chain: MAINNET }],
where: { ownerAddresses: $ownerAddresses }) {
nodes {
token {
The shape of the successResponse & failResponse is defined in the methods file. Additionally, logs are captured within the logs folder.
This is a Nextjs generated typescript SPA with a single page 😅.
components: distinct piecemeal ui
commands: Executes user actions. For example, the SearchCommand is executed on user form submission (SearchBar).
services: Currently limited to just data fetching functions.
api: Defines interfaces for APIResponse and handling of responses.
stores: Notably the ZoraStore is used to request data from the api route with the given address if cache is invalid, otherwise it retrieves cached data from localStorage