Code to compute distribution based distance measures between directed and undirected graphs/networks [1, 2, 3, 4].
Distance computation between the NDD (node distance distribution) and Transition Probability (TM-one walk) matrices of two example graphs [2].
num_nodes <- 60
g1 <- make_tree(num_nodes, children =2, mode = "out")
E(g1)$weight <- seq_len(ecount(g1))
g2 <- make_tree(num_nodes, children = 3, mode = "out")
E(g2)$weight <- seq_len(ecount(g2))
# Compute the distances between the node distance distribution of 2 graphs
binList <- getBins(list(g1, g2))
ndd1 <- getNodeDistanceDistr(g1, binList)
ndd2 <- getNodeDistanceDistr(g2, binList)
nddDistancepair <- getGraphpairdistance(ndd1, ndd2)
# Compute the distances between the transition probability matrix (one walk) of 2 graphs
# For n walk matrix change the 'walk' parameter to n
trans1 <- getTransitionmatrix(g1, walk=1)
trans2 <- getTransitionmatrix(g2, walk=1)
transDistancepair <- getGraphpairdistance(trans1, trans2)
nddDistanceMulti and transDistanceMulti are the Gram matrices (M1 and M2 distances described in [2]) produced after distance computation between the NDD and TM-one walk matrices of 40 graphs provided with the package. The annotation of these graphs can be loaded by running data(annoKidney) in R for classification, clustering and visualization tasks.
binList <- getBins(KidneyGraphs)
nddList <- lapply(KidneyGraphs, function(x) getNodeDistanceDistr(x, binList))
nddDistanceMulti <- getGraphlistdistance(nddList) #Takes sometime for computation
transList <- lapply(KidneyGraphs, function(x) getTransitionmatrix(x, walk=1))
transDistanceMulti <- getGraphlistdistance(transList) #Takes sometime for computation
getGraphdistance4PartsParallel can be used to run the distance computation in parallel. This function can be run if you have atleast 4 cores available. If not please go through the help for the getGraphlistdistance4Parts function.
binList <- getBins(KidneyGraphs)
nddListPar <- future_lapply(KidneyGraphs, function(x) getNodeDistanceDistr(x, binList))
nddDistanceMultiPar <- getGraphdistance4PartsParallel(nddListPar)
transListPar <- future_lapply(KidneyGraphs, function(x) getTransitionmatrix(x, walk=1))
transDistanceMultiPar <- getGraphdistance4PartsParallel(transListPar)
getSubnetworksEigenadjacent can be used to extract subnetworks based on the top eigen central nodes and their adjacent nodes as described in [1, 3]
g <- KidneyGraphs[[1]]
g_sub <- getSubnetworksEigenadjacent(g, eigenSortcutoff = 0.1)
[1] Granata, I., Guarracino, M.R., Maddalena, L. and Manipur, I., 2020, July. Network Distances for Weighted Digraphs. In International Conference on Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research (pp. 389-408). Springer, Cham.
[2] Granata, I., Guarracino, M.R., Kalyagin, V.A., Maddalena, L., Manipur, I. and Pardalos, P.M., 2018, December. Supervised classification of metabolic networks. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (pp. 2688-2693). IEEE.
[3] Granata, I., Guarracino, M.R., Kalyagin, V.A., Maddalena, L., Manipur, I. and Pardalos, P.M., 2020. Model simplification for supervised classification of metabolic networks. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 88(1), pp.91-104.
[4] Manipur, I., Granata, I., Maddalena, L. and Guarracino, M.R., 2020. Clustering analysis of tumor metabolic networks. BMC bioinformatics, 21(10), pp.1-14.