Java code example to generate a Unique ID for the CSB (Crowdsourced Bathymetry) project.
The main file of interest in this project is src/main/java/ngdc/csb/
See the Unique ID Purpose document.
This project uses Gradle as the build tool. A gradle wrapper script is supplied,
(and gradlew.bat
if you are running on Windows).
The 'gradlew' script behaves like gradle, but downloads gradle if you don't have it
and then passes the arguments on to gradle. 'gradlew' also downloads and uses the version of gradle under
which this project was created, even if you already have a different version of gradle installed.
Typically the version of gradle won't matter, but the 'gradlew' script avoids the small chance that version
differences matter, so use 'gradlew' if the project provides it.
To run the example code, use:
./gradlew run
This will build the project if needed before running it.
./gradlew build
will create the runable program without running it.
To list available gradle commands:
./gradlew tasks
The following are one-line examples that you can try on the command line if the language shown is installed on your system. (Python, Ruby and Bash are common.) Replace "MYORG" with your organization prefix.
python -c 'import uuid; print "MYORG-" + str(uuid.uuid1())'
ruby -r securerandom -e 'puts "MYORG-"+SecureRandom.uuid'
MacOS and most linux will have uuidgen
bash -c 'uuid=$(uuidgen); echo "MYORG-${uuid,,}"'
If there is a complaint "MYORG-${uuid,,}: bad substitution" then your version of Bash is before 4.0. Try instead
echo "MYORG-$(uuidgen)"
However, the result may be upper or lower case depending on your system.