A color scheme for (Neo)Vim based on the onehalf theme. 99% of the theme has been created by Son A. Pham. I just slightly modified its theme for my need, hence the oneperc name.
light dark
0 normal black #383a42 #282c34
1 normal red #e45649 #e06c75
2 normal green #50a14f #98c379
3 normal yellow #c18401 #e5c07b
4 normal blue #0184bc #61afef
5 normal magenta #a626a4 #c678dd
6 normal cyan #0997b3 #56b6c2
7 normal white #fafafa #dcdfe4
foreground #383a42 #dcdfe4
background #fafafa #282828
Install with Plug then set colorscheme
and g:airline_theme
Plug 'cedlemo/oneperc'
colorscheme onehalflight
let g:airline_theme='onehalfdark'
Or if you are using lightline, set g:lightline.colorscheme
let g:lightline.colorscheme='onehalfdark'
If you want your vim and terminal colors to match exactly, you must enable true colors in vim.