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⚠️ REPOSITORY ARCHIVED Current implementation available in the repository

A template-based lowerer for RDF repositories exploiting Apache Velocity and maintained by Cefriel as a building block of the Chimera solution for semantic data conversion.

A demo of the tool is available in the folder demo.


The main functionalities provided by this component are:

  • Enable SPARQL queries in the template accessing an HTTP Repository or an in-memory repository initialized with triples from one or multiple RDF files
  • Possibility to access a portion of the repository contextualizing queries with respect to a specific named graph
  • Access custom utility functions in the template
  • Activate procedures for specific output formats (e.g. XML option to validate and indent XML files)
  • Possibility to provide generic key-value pairs at runtime then made accessible through a map data structure in the template
  • Run parametric templates executed once for each resulting row of the provided SPARQL query

Performance improvement

  • Trim Template: --trim option to remove newlines in the template before executing it (high reduction in memory usage)
  • FileOutputStream: write template produced directly to file without retaining it in memory (reduction in memory usage)
  • Support data structure: definition of functions building support data structures to access query results in the template (reduction in execution time)


This section contains the documentation to use the tool and to produce compliant Apache Velocity templates.

Template Default Variables

The velocity-lowerer component offers a set of already bound variables that can be used in the template:

  • $reader offers methods to execute SPARQL queries:
    • setPrefixes(String prefixes): set the RDF prefixes that should be concatened to the provided queries.
    • executeQuery(String query): Executes a SPARQL query returning a list of rows as List<Map<String,Value>>.
    • executeQueryStringValue(String query): As executeQuery but it returns a List<Map<String,String>> extracting the string value of each Value returned. The query, the duration and the number of rows returned are logged if the verbose option is enabled.
    • executeQueryStringValueXML(String query): As executeQuery but it returns a List<Map<String,String>> extracting the string value of each Value returned and escaping XML special chars. The query, the duration and the number of rows returned are logged if the verbose option is enabled.
    • setContext(String context): Set the IRI of the context (named graph) for read/write operations on the repository.
  • $functions offers a set of utility methods that can be extended defining sub-classes (see the section below). Default functions are:
    • rp(String s): if a prefix is set, removes it from the parameter string. If a prefix is not set, or the prefix is not contained in the given string it returns the string as it is.
    • setPrefix(String prefix): set a prefix for the rp method.
    • sp(String s, String substring): returns the substring of the parameter string after the first occurrence of the parameter substring.
    • p(String s, String substring): returns the substring of the parameter string before the first occurrence of the parameter substring.
    • replace(String s, String regex, String replacement): returns a string replacing all the occurrences of the regex with the replacement provided.
    • newline(): returns a newline string.
    • hash(String s): returns a string representing the hash of the parameter.
    • checkString(String s): returns true if the string is not null and not an empty string.
    • getMap(List<Map<String, String>> results, String key): creates a support data structure to access query results faster. Builds a map associating a single row with its value w.r.t a specified column (key parameter). The assumption is for each row the value for the given column is unique, otherwise, the result will be incomplete.
    • getListMap(List<Map<String, String>> results, String key): creates a support data structure to access query results faster. Builds a map associating a value with all rows having that as value for a specified column (key parameter).
    • checkList(List<T> l): returns true if the list is not null and not empty.
    • checkList(List<T> l, T o): returns true if the list is not null, not empty and contains o.
    • checkMap(Map<K,V> m): returns true if the map is not null and not empty.
    • checkMap(Map<K, V> m, K key): returns true if the map is not null, not empty and contains the key key.
    • getMapValue(Map<K, V> map, K key): if checkMap(map, key) is true returns the value for key in map, otherwise returns null.
    • getListMapValue(Map<K, List<V>> listMap, K key): if checkMap(listMap, key) is true returns the value for key in listMap, otherwise returns an empty list.
  • $map variable contains all key-value pairs specified with both -kv and -kvc options.

LoweringUtils subclasses

We report here the subclasses of LoweringUtils, the functions introduced to extend the default set and the option to activate them.

  • TransmodelLoweringUtils (-u transmodel):
    • getTimestamp(): returns current timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format.
    • getFormattedDate(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth, int hour, int minute): returns date and time specified as yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.
    • formatGTFSDate(String dateString): format GTFS dates in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format.

Parametric Templates

Providing a SPARQL query through the -q option is it possible to execute parametric templates with respect to the given query, e.g., it is possible to run the same template for each element of a specific class contained in the database. The template is executed for each resulting row of the provided query; in each template execution, the specific row is bound to a given variable ($x) that is made accessible as a map (keys as specified for column names) in the template.


This is the intended usage of the rdf-lowerer.jar.

usage: java -jar rdf-lowerer.jar <options>
  -b, --basepath <arg>            Base path for files (input, template, output). Default value is './'.
  -c, --contextIRI <arg>          IRI identifies the named graph for context-aware querying of the repository. 
                                  Default behaviour: the entire repository is considered for querying.
  -dq, --debug-query              Saves in the output file the result in TSV format of the query provided with -q option.
  -f, --format <arg>              Activate procedures for specific output formats. Supported values: 'xml' 
                                  (XML parsing to check structure, indentation)
  -i, --input <arg>               Path(s) of input file(s) containing triples, if no remote repository is specified an 
                                  in-memory repository is initialized and triples are made available for querying.
  -kv, --key-value <arg>          Path for a file containing a key:value pair for each line. These pairs
                                  are made available as a map in the template.
  -kvc, --key-value-csv <arg>     Path for a csv file with one line interpreted as a set of key[column]-value[line] pairs. 
                                  These pairs are made available as a map in the template.
  -o, --output <arg>              Path of output file. Default: output.txt
  -q, --query <arg>               Set a query for parametric templates execution, or for debugging if -dq option is enabled.
  -r, --repository <arg>          Repository Id related to the triples store.
  -t, --template <arg>            Path of template file. Default: template.vm
  -tr, --trim                     Trim newlines from the template before executing it to reduce memory usage.
  -ts, --ts-address <arg>         Triples store address.
  -u, --utils <arg>               Set a specific class of utils to be bound as $functions variable in the template.
                                  Default is generic functions (LoweringUtils). Supported values: 'transmodel'.
  -v, --verbose                   Debug information are logged.

If -ts and -r options are set a remote repository is used for queries and the -i option is ignored, if they are not set -i option is mandatory. Assumptions to use a remote repository are: the triples store is up and running, and triples are already in there.


  • If it is feasible for the specific case, splitting templates into multiple files and then combining them improves performances.
  • It is better to avoid nested cycles in the template.
  • The component can be used also as an external library using class com.cefriel.lower.TemplateLowerer, e.g., to configure it to launch multiple lowering procedures in parallel.


A template-based lowerer for RDF repositories exploiting Apache Velocity.







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