Those scripts are proved to be able to greately prove productivity in my cooperation, and greately reduced work load.
- - discover oracle instance automatically, and then automatically configure ITCAM for oracle.
It has below features:
- One script to do all: it will detect oracle databse instance name, and config them automatically without any interaction, as long as those instances has same monitor user and canonical TNS definition (which is true in a DC)
- Able to detect already configured instances, and avoid duplicated config.
- Able to detect oracle dataguard, and will skip it.
Automaticlly find all oracle database instances, and config ITM Agent to monitor them, with TNS=tivoli_INSTANCENAME, User=tivoli, Pass=XXXX ./
Config a chosen oracle instance, with specified TNS,User and Pass, this is used for some special instances whose TNS,User/Pass is special. ./ -s TNS -u User -p Pass Instance1
TNS: Optional. TNS string to connect to instance, if not specifed, the script will prefix tivoli(e.g: tivoli_INSTANCENAME) as TNS string. User: optional. User that ITM Agent will use to connect to oracle instaces to be monitored. if not specified, use hard-coded username. Pass: Password for User, optional Instance1: Instances to be configured and monitored
- config_dc_linux0aix - discover IBM WAS (Websphere Application Server) servers and configure ITM data collector automatically.
Usage: ./ -u AdminUser -p AdminPass -n SoapPort Server1 Server2
AdminUser: optional, the WAS dmgr admin user name
AdminPass: optional, password for AdminUser
SoapPort: optional, WAS SOAP port, if ommited, will discover from server.xml
Server1, Server2: optional, server list, if ommited, will discover from WAS configuration home.