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Directory Structure

Aditya P. Apte edited this page Feb 26, 2016 · 1 revision
Directory Holds
3D Volumetric viewer including transparent structures/dose surfaces
CommandLine CERR command line command definitions
Compression Compression files based on the use of bzip2
Contouring Structure contouring-related m-files
CrossListing CERR code crosslisting and getDirFunInfo.m, which creates the crosslisting
Extras Miscellaneous directories, including some script examples
ImageRegistration Tools for registering images.
Importing Importing tools for RTOG archives
Labbook Tool to capture annotate and build CERR images into html files.
Log Log of m-files in CERR releases.
MeshBasedInterp c-libraries and m-code for creating trinagular surface representation of structure and dose contours.
Mex mex code
PlanAnalysis Dose volume histograms, dose surface histograms, and other analysis tools
PlanMetrics Various metrics and a template to create new metrics.
RTOG Specification An ASCII text file describing the RTOG specification used for CERR.
ScanConversion m-files which convert polygonal contours into 0-1 masks and then into the stored scan format
Uniformization m-files related to creation of CT scan set with uniform z-spacing, and registered voxel masks of structures
UserDefinedFunctions A directory for users to put commands
Utilities Various utility routines, including several text parsing tools.
Viewers GUI-related m-files
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