This is the starter app for Muirwik.
The starter app uses bintray/jcenter to pickup its Muirwik dependencies.
This is the best way to start an application if you don't want to make changes to the component wrappers themselves but just want to use them.
Make sure you have git and the yarn package manager installed (and not the yarn that comes with cmdtest in Ubuntu :-)), then the following should work (possibly may also need npm installed):
git clone
cd muirwik-starterapp
./gradlew build
./gradlew run
In Windows it is probably (but have not tried it) more like:
git clone
cd muirwik-starterapp
gradlew.bat build
gradlew.bat run
This started as a sub-project/module on Muirwik, but to make starting easier, and because you don't need the whole Muirwik project, in order to use it, it got made into its own stand alone project.
For more information see Muirwik and, for information about the React components that this project wraps, you will want to see Material UI which holds lots of valuable information.
Feedback and contributions are welcome :-).