title | author |
Final Project |
Camacho Jonathan | Data Visualization | University of Chicago |
This project contains several files.
- runfile.R: To run the cleaning data scrip in scrips folder.
- Flexdashboard.Rmd: the the executable code for building the dashboard.
- 00_download_data.R: script for downloading the tweets.
- 01_clean_data.R: script for tidying the tweets.
- Presentation.md: R-presentation used in class.
- es_sentiments.csv: lexicon of sentiments in Spanish.
- stopwords_es.csv: stop-words in Spanish.
- tweets: folder containing the raw tweets.
To execute the app:
- Run the runfile.R
- run the Flexdashboard.Rmd file.
App has been deployed here: https://jonathanecm.shinyapps.io/venezuelans_tweets_sentiments/