Asynchonous Coap client and server in PHP
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$client = new PhpCoap\Client\Client( $loop );
$client->get( 'coap://', function( $data ) {
var_dump( json_decode( $data ));
} );
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$server = new PhpCoap\Server\Server( $loop );
$server->receive( 5683, '' );
$server->on( 'request', function( $req, $res, $handler ) {
$res->setPayload( json_encode( 'test' ) );
$handler->send( $res );
- TODO: Implement message tokens (only Message Id's currently used)
- Only single packet messages are supported currently
- TODO: Create message router for server component
This component leverages the patterns and components from the ReactPhp.