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MANHATTAN++ is software to generate a transposed manhattan heatmap, implemented in R.
You need to install the latest version of R The R package can be run on Windows and Linux, you must specify paths to the filenames you are using as input and output.
To install the software from the GIT repository:
install_github("cgrace1978/manhplot", dependencies = T, force = T)
The following command will run the plot with default data in the package. The pdf (test.pdf) will be created in the current working directory in R (This can be viewed using the getwd() command):
infile<-system.file("extdata","cad.add.160614_manhformat.txt.gz",package = "manhplot")
configfile<-system.file("extdata","config.txt", package = "manhplot")
snpfile<-system.file("extdata","56cad.add.160614.variants.txt", package = "manhplot")
## Run manhattan++ with the default paramaters and files included in the package
manhplusplot(infile = infile,outfile = "test", configfile = configfile, snpfile = snpfile)
In order to generate the plot, three files are required (with headers in the format described)
The summary statistics (can be uncompressed or compressed (gzip only)), this file should have the following columns:
- chr - chromosome (must be numeric)
- pos - position
- pvalue - p-value (please do not log-transform)
- maf - Minor Allele Frequency
- conseq - Flag of whether variant has HIGH functional consequence (using VEP)
The variable infile should be modfied to point to this file (with the file structure of the operating system used). The files should be numerically sorted (chr:pos).
chr pos pvalue maf conseq
1 751756 0.4528019 0.158264 0
1 752566 0.7394597 0.763018 0
1 752721 0.8462652 0.740969 0
1 752894 0.7750657 0.744287 0
HINT: The software's default is to displays MAF data when a MAF <5%. If you don't want to use this display function set the MAF function argument to 0.
## Use the MAF argument to specify the threshold to report MAF variants, set to zero to not report at all
manhplot(infile = infile,outfile = "test", configfile = configfile, snpfile = snpfile, MAF=0)
HINT: The software displays annotation data when a consequence is 1. If you don't want to use this display function, give all SNPs a consequence of 0
HINT: You can use different column names for the GWAS files by using the command line arguments:
## Use different GWAS file column names using: chrname, posname, pvalname, frqname and conseqname
manhplot(infile = infile,outfile = "test", configfile = configfile, snpfile = snpfile,
chrname = "chr", posname = "pos", pvalname = "pvalue", frqname = "maf",
conseqname = "conseq")
Variants of interest to annotate the plot with.
- markername - The name of the variant
- gene - The gene name associated with the variant
- chr - chromosome
- pos - position
- eaf - effect allele frequency
- OR - Odds Ratio
- Pvalue - P-value
- novel - Flag for whether the variant is novel (a new loci)
The variable snpfile should be modfied to point to this file (with the file structure of the operating system used). The novel flag indicates whether the loci is a new finding in the GWAS being reported. When the showGenes flag is set to TRUE, Novel loci will be displayed in the table and the others on the heatmap, as bubble labels. When showGenes is false, all loci are displayed in the table.
markername gene chr pos eaf OR Pvalue novel
rs11206510 PCSK9 1 55496039 0.847627 1.08 2.34E-08 FALSE
rs9970807 PPAP2B 1 56965664 0.915097 1.13 5E-14 FALSE
rs7528419 SORT1 1 109817192 0.78582 1.12 1.97E-23 FALSE
There is also a perl script which can be used to generate a template for the snpfile derived from GWAS summary statistics,
To define the legend and type of heatmap cells.
- min.count - Lower bounds of number of variants in this cell
- max.count - Upper bounds of number of variants in this cell.
- maf - Should variants with minor allele frequencies below the threshold be detected by this cell?
- conseq - Should any HIGH consequence variant be detected?
- col - The colour of the heatmap cells must be in grDevices::colors()
- idx - Index for labeling on the heatmap
- type - The type of cell: val or oddchr / evenchr
- report - Should these cells be reported on the heatmap with bubble label?
The variable configfile should be modfied to point to this file (with the file structure of the operating system used)
#### CONFIG file for use with MANH++ - Do not modify the first 10 lines
## min.count: The lower cell count threshold to accept this config
## max.count: The upper cell count threshold to accept this config
## maf: Is MAF detection active for this config - is there any variants within a cell with MAF < threshold?
## conseq: Is HIGH impact consequence active? Are there any variants with HIGH impact consequence in the cell?
## col: The colour which cells for this config
## idx: the index to use for this cell in the heatmap - MUST BE CONSECUTIVE FROM START TO END - STARTING AT 1
## type: val - an config entry, oddchr - the odd chromosome, evenchr - the even chromosome"
## report: Are these annotations labeled on the heatmap
min.count max.count maf conseq col idx type report
1 1 FALSE FALSE black 1 val FALSE
1 1 FALSE TRUE light pink 2 val TRUE
1 1 TRUE FALSE green 3 val FALSE
Also see the example file (config.txt) for more information.
To use Manhattan++ please cite the following paper:
Grace et al
Manhattan++: displaying genome-wide association summary statistics with multiple annotation layers
BMC Bioinformatics 2019; 20(1):610
PubMed: 31775616