This is the first version of "Helpcard maker" for Houdini houdini 15.5+.
To install it follow these steps:
Download the lastest zip archive of the tool on my github deposit: ( github => GJpy )
Go to your HOME folder/houdiniXX.x and unzip the file in here, you should have now few new files and folders:
scripts/python/HelpCardMaker config/Icons/helpcardmaker.png python_panels/HelpcardMaker.pypanel
- Launch Houdini, you'll have the Helpcard maker pypanel available and should be able to directly add a help card maker tab.
Any issue or install troubles, feel free to drop an email:
This is the first release of the tool, a lot of new features will be added shortly such as link to other pages, vimeo video, new widgets and more !