This project is co-owned by: @chahelgupta @amishidesai @reneeka
Welcome to the Travel Booking Management System! In today's fast-paced world of travel, efficient booking management is essential for ensuring smooth journeys and satisfied customers. Our system is designed to address the complexities of the travel industry by providing a comprehensive solution for booking various modes of transportation.
- Customer Management: Comprehensive records of customers, including personal details and preferred modes of travel.
- Employee Management: Database for storing employee information, such as roles, departments, and salaries.
- Destination Information: Repository of destination details, including names, distances, and countries, essential for planning travel routes and itineraries.
- Transportation Options: Support for various modes of transportation, such as flights, trains, buses, cars, and cruises, along with scheduling and availability data.
- Payment Processing: Seamless payment processing capabilities, including different payment methods and transaction records.
- Booking Management: Facilitates the booking process, managing reservations, tracking booking statuses, and generating booking confirmations.
Our system is built on a robust relational database, featuring tables for customer details, employee information, destinations, transportation options, payment records, and bookings. SQL queries are used to efficiently retrieve, manipulate, and analyze data, providing a seamless booking experience for users.
With the Travel Booking Management System, users can effortlessly plan adventures, book transportation, and manage bookings from a single platform. By leveraging the power of data and technology, we're revolutionizing the way travelers navigate the world, making their journeys smoother, more enjoyable, and truly unforgettable.