Sample Code of 「Flask Web Development from Scratch」.
- Introduction
- Completed image of the blog application
- Installing Python
- Installing pip
- Try running the application in a single file
- Installing Pipenv
- Create the startup file
- Creating a config file - allows you to work with settings together
- Understanding the Flask Framework - MTV Framework
- Create Templates - Templates in the MTV Framework
- Introducing Bootstrap - Clean Your Design
- Create a login form - implement a form
- Create a View - View in the MTV framework
- Create a base layout template
- Working with session - Enables secure login with authentication
- Add flash - Display a message to the user
- url_for - Automatically Create Links
- Work with databases
- Model - Model in the MTV framework
- Create scripts - make certain actions common
- Learn about CRUD
- Create Blog Posts - Create in CRUD
- Create a blog list feature - Read in CRUD
- Creating Blog Details - Read in CRUD
- Create Blog Editing - Update in CRUD
- Create a blog post delete feature - Delete in CRUD
- Add static files - allows you to work with images and stylesheets
- Create a decorator for login authentication
- Splitting an Application with Blueprint
- Writing Unit Tests
- Measuring and Reporting Test Coverage
- Final application structure
- Chapter of Closing