Clone of the Netflix landing page as a light HTML and CSS excercise - Take a look
"Eating website for fun... nyom nyom nyom"
A basic warmup exercise. Simple, practice oriented, clone of the Netflix Homepage. Built with:
- Google Fonts
- Awesomeness - Strictly for the love of coding :-)
- Look pretty, that's about it :-)
- CSS Grid
- Styling Tables
- Positioning
Installation of my project is very simple.
git clone
This will clone the repository in your local device.
Then we need to change the directory.
cd bingeflix
Then type "code ." to open it in VS Code (or any other IDE).
code .
Then Go live with your IDE.
BOOM!! There you have it.
(Just a thought), You could advance this by adding some animations to the selector borders etc.
I might add the other pages on the Netflix website if I ever come back to refactor ^-^
Im a Fullstack Developer, part-time teacher and a forever student. I learn new things in tech everyday along with other subjects like mathematics, competitive programing etc.
Contributions are highly welcome. Feel free to fork, clone, make pull requests, report issues etc.
That being said
To the Front... to the Back... End to End... cut no slack. Making ends meet. lol