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Wrenc - ahead-of-time Wren compiler

Wrenc is an LLVM-based compiler for the Wren programming language. It passes almost the entire Wren test suite.

This repo contains four projects:

The wrenc compiler frontend

This is based on the upstream Wren lexer/parser, but makes it's way through a number of optimisations before being written out as LLVM IR.

Values are NaN-tagged, just like in Wren, but there aren't any special values aside from null, which is just a NaN-tagged zero. This reduces the amount of speecial-case checks on the code interacting with it.

The source code for this is located in the src directory.

The runtime library

This contains a compiled version of wren_core.wren, taken from upstream Wren.

It also contains the memory allocator, GC, and native parts of the standard library.

This is located in rtsrc.

Tree-sitter module

This is locateed in tree-sitter-wren, and can be used to incrementally parse Wren source code with the tree-sitter programme.

This is intended for use in the IDE support module listed below, rather than for direct use in an IDE; as such it doesn't have support for the syntax colouring stuff that you might know tree-sitter for if your IDE uses it a lot. Adding this probably isn't too hard, and patches for that are welcome.

IDE Support Module

This project's goal is to build a full code completion and refactoring engine, using the general principal used in the IntelliJ IDEs to effectively handle large codebases.

It has it's own README in it's directory.


In the interests of compatibility with the Luxe engine, this project is licenced under a dual MIT/Apache-2 licence as seen in the LICENCE file.