Install Go
Make proper workspace for Go
bin/ Folder for command pkg/ Folder for packages src/ Folder for code
Download any project and place it in src folder
Install package(s) if required
Create database if required(I have uploaded database(Mysql) file with in project folder)
- Added some small projects. Each folder contains one individual project. README.md of that folder describes details of that project.
- Project: custom-package - Create custom package
- Project: go-mysql-connection - Work with MySQL
- Project: go-rest-api - Golang RESTful API using GORM and Gorilla Mux
- Project: revel-framework - One small web application project using Revel framework
- Project: revelApp - One small web application project using Revel framework
- I will add more biger/complex projects in upcoming days.
- I will add more biger/complex projects in upcoming days.