Sudoku is a popular number puzzle that requires you to fill blanks in a 9X9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. There have been various approaches to solving that, including computational ones. In this project, we show that simple convolutional neural networks have the potential to crack Sudoku without any rule-based postprocessing.
- NumPy >= 1.11.1
- TensorFlow == 1.1
- To see what Sudoku is, check the wikipedia
- To investigate this task comprehensively, read through McGuire et al. 2013.
- 1M games were generated using
for training. I've uploaded them on the Kaggle dataset storage. They are available here. - 30 authentic games were collected from
- 10 blocks of convolution layers of kernel size 3.
create sudoku games. You don't have to run this. Instead, download pre-generated
includes all adjustable hyper
loads data and put them in queues so multiple mini-bach data are generated in
contains some wrapper
is for
is for test.
- STEP 1. Download and extract training data.
- STEP 2. Run
. Or download the pretrained file.
- Run
Accuracy is defined as: Number of blanks where the prediction matched the solution / Number of blanks.
// Improve CNN
- epoch nums
- filter size
- regularization
- dropout
- more tainining data (medium, hard, expert, evil)
// Search Problem
- Use prob distributions in heuristic search
// RNN (Bidirectional with LSTM cells)
- list of tuples (blank_cell, num_hints) where num_hints = sum of hints in row,col,square
- sort list by num_hints
- feed in row, col, sqaure of cell with highest num_hints to RNN
- take joint prob for cell as solution
- update board with prediction
- recompute list with newly predicted cell
- choose new largest num_hints cell and continue
- (build structure)
// Deep RL
- very difficult
- we have structure for it though
Visualization expected board --> our board
// Input should now be probability distribution
- lets make it all one-hot
- back to 9 labels
- 0 has equal probability for all labels
bi - directional lstm go across the row, column, square as individual inputs to the lstm each pos in row x batch x num_entries
only do softmax at end
feed forward layer to translate the outputs of row, col, sqaure (features) to softmax probability feed forward to softmax layer
becomes probabilities after loss combine 3 outputs then feed forward then loss
- 3: 74
- 5: 76
- 10: 78
- 3: 72
- 6: 71
- 9: OOM
- 10: 72
- 12: 74
- 15: 81
- 18: 78
- 20: 74
- 0.2: 66
- 0.05: 77
- 0.0001: 74
- 0.001: 77
- 0.002: 73
- 0.01: 65