How have you been? What brought you here?
For now, it's just three links for us, and a million web pages for a million locations on Earth
- I Like Places
- Facebook Fan Page
- Project Manager, where you can find out what really is going on in the code
- 0.2.1) Can we interest you in finding out what interesting places to visit, given any location on earth?
- 0.2.2) Can we interest you in finding out, given any moment, the most interesting place to be?
- 0.2.3) Can we interest you in planning out private events with close friends and family?
- 0.2.4) Can we interest you in starting a movement on something you believe in something very badly?
There you go. That much we can offer you. Tell a friend!
Go here. If you like what you see, share 'em all! If not, tell us where in comments :-)
Give us some time, we will update this section with a code walk through. Meanwhile maybe you'd like to have a look at ItsNat . Make sure you'll not come back to us complaining how AWESOME ItsNat is!
We can help you. But who knows, we might lead you down a wrong trail ;-) Okay, go here. Don't tell!
And you thought we just built No way, there's a lot of thinking, passion and belief behind it!
DT is a social network hysterically focused on privacy. If you want only your family to see an event(called Moments) on DT, you can do it. If it's just friends the secrets of that moment are safe with, you can make that happen. It's very very very very very private!
DT wants you to use the website as less as possible. Compare that with other social networks who are hungry to keep you online to click their ads. DT just wants you to find ways to socialize in real life. Once you've done that, you just head out and have fun with your friends and family. Yes you can come back to discuss stuff before and after the event. But mostly, Down Town makes a maximum effort to chase you out to socialize. This is why updates can be autoplayed. If a friend updates a photo or moment talk, you are automatically send there unless you pause the autoupdate. See? We want you to get moving fast. What's more fabulous than a social network that autoplays in front of your eyes, the latest updates!
You tell us the time, even if its "now" and we'll tell you the most exciting place to be!
Eye - Thank you
Denise(Font) - Thank you Denise![]=10
Wikipedia (Lock Image) - Thank you
//MAKE SURE LOCATIONID IS PRIMARY KEY, MODIFY FOLLOWING SCRIPT CREATE TABLE location(LOCATIONID BIGINT,CLEARANCE BIGINT,LOCATIONGEO1 VARCHAR(128),LOCATIONGEO2 VARCHAR(128),LOCATIONINFO VARCHAR(128),LOCATIONNAME VARCHAR(128), LOCATIONSUPERSET_LOCATION BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (LOCATIONID) ) CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE('APP','LOCATION','location.dat',' ',null,null,0); import --connect jdbc:derby:// --driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver --username ilp --table location --hbase-create-table ./sqoop import --connect jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/ilp --driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver --username ilp -P --table APP.LOCATION --hbase-create-table --split-by locationid ./sqoop import --connect jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/ilp --driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver --username ilp -P --table APP.LOCATION --hbase-create-table --split-by locationid
CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE('ILP','LOCATION','locationtab.dat','','"','UTF-8');
hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.ImportTsv -Dimporttsv.columns=HBASE_ROW_KEY,locationid,locationId:clearance,locationId:locationGeo1,locationId:locationGeo2,locationId:locationInfo,locationId:locationName,locationId:locationSuperSet location locationtab.dat
public Long locationId; public Long clearance = 0L; public String locationName; public String locationInfo; public Location locationSuperSet; public String locationGeo1; public String locationGeo2;
hdfs dfs -put locationtab.dat
hdfs dfs -ls
//MAKE SURE LOCATIONID IS PRIMARY KEY, MODIFY FOLLOWING SCRIPT CREATE TABLE location(LOCATIONID BIGINT,CLEARANCE BIGINT,LOCATIONGEO1 VARCHAR(128),LOCATIONGEO2 VARCHAR(128),LOCATIONINFO VARCHAR(128),LOCATIONNAME VARCHAR(128), LOCATIONSUPERSET_LOCATION BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (LOCATIONID) ) CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE('APP','LOCATION','location.dat',' ',null,null,0); import --connect jdbc:derby:// --driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver --username ilp --table location --hbase-create-table ./sqoop import --connect jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/ilp --driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver --username ilp -P --table APP.LOCATION --hbase-create-table --split-by locationid ./sqoop import --connect jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/ilp --driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver --username ilp -P --table APP.LOCATION --hbase-create-table --split-by locationid
CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE('ILP','LOCATION','locationtab.dat','','"','UTF-8');
hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.ImportTsv -Dimporttsv.columns=HBASE_ROW_KEY,locationid,locationId:clearance,locationId:locationGeo1,locationId:locationGeo2,locationId:locationInfo,locationId:locationName,locationId:locationSuperSet location locationtab.dat
public Long locationId; public Long clearance = 0L; public String locationName; public String locationInfo; public Location locationSuperSet; public String locationGeo1; public String locationGeo2;
hdfs dfs -put locationtab.dat
hdfs dfs -ls
query = "SELECT DISTINCT humansNetPeople FROM HumansNetPeople humansNetPeople inner join humansNetPeople.humansNetPeoples friend WHERE friend.humanId = :humanId"
javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Human Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Human Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotFoundException: Human
Happens when datanuclues is run against an empty HBase installation. i.e. No tables.
Good to have bash_profile values for a java server.
alias k='kill -9' alias pt='ps -ef|grep tomcat' alias ph='ps -ef|grep hbase' alias t='tail -f' alias ll='ls -la'
enable 'Album' enable 'Human' enable 'HumansAlbum' enable 'HumansAuthentication' enable 'HumansAuthorization' enable 'HumansIdentity' enable 'HumansNet' enable 'HumansNetPeople' enable 'HumansPrivateEvent' enable 'HumansPrivateLocation' enable 'HumansPrivatePhoto' enable 'HumansPublicPhoto' enable 'HumansTribe' enable 'HumansUnseen' enable 'HumansWall' enable 'Location' enable 'LongMsg' enable 'Map' enable 'Msg' enable 'Mute' enable 'PrivateEvent' enable 'PrivateLocation' enable 'PrivatePhoto' enable 'PublicPhoto' enable 'Tribe' enable 'Url' enable 'Wall' enable 'albumsalbumPhotos' enable 'privateEventInvitesprivateEventsInvited' enable 'privateEventOwnersprivateEventsOwned' enable 'privateEventRejectsprivateEventsRejected' enable 'privateEventViewersprivateEventsViewed' enable 'privateLocationOwnersprivateLocationsOwned' enable 'privateLocationViewersprivateLocationsViewed' enable 'tribeMemberstribes'
disable 'Human' disable 'HumansAlbum' disable 'HumansAuthentication' disable 'HumansAuthorization' disable 'HumansIdentity' disable 'HumansNet' disable 'HumansNetPeople' disable 'HumansPrivateEvent' disable 'HumansPrivateLocation' disable 'HumansPrivatePhoto' disable 'HumansPublicPhoto' disable 'HumansTribe' disable 'HumansUnseen' disable 'HumansWall'
alter 'Human',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansAlbum',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansAuthentication',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansAuthorization',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansIdentity',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansNet',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansNetPeople',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansPrivateEvent',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansPrivateLocation',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansPrivatePhoto',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansPublicPhoto',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansTribe',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansUnseen',{NAME => 'humanId'} alter 'HumansWall',{NAME => 'humanId'}
enable 'Human' enable 'HumansAlbum' enable 'HumansAuthentication' enable 'HumansAuthorization' enable 'HumansIdentity' enable 'HumansNet' enable 'HumansNetPeople' enable 'HumansPrivateEvent' enable 'HumansPrivateLocation' enable 'HumansPrivatePhoto' enable 'HumansPublicPhoto' enable 'HumansTribe' enable 'HumansUnseen' enable 'HumansWall'