This repo contains a Code for Packer to build a Bionic64 based vagrant box with NodeJS and Ember installed.
- Install VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant. For more information, visit Vagrant Documentation
- Install Packer
- Clone the repo
git clone
cd packer-vagrant-ember/
- To build vagrant box use below command:
packer build bionic64-ember.json
To test you will need Kitchen:
For the test you will need Kitchen it is a RubyGem so please find how to install and setup Test Kitchen for developing infrastructure code, check out the Getting Started Guide.
A following gems should be installed:
gem install kitchen-vagrant
gem install kitchen-inspec
Than simply execute a following commands:
kitchen converge
kitchen verify
kitchen destroy
- The output should be as follow:
Command: `lsb_release -c`
✔ stdout should include "bionic"
✔ should eq "debian"
✔ should eq "18.04"
Command: `ember`
✔ should exist
Command: `ember -v`
✔ stdout should include "3.11.0"
Command: `node`
✔ should exist
Command: `node -v`
✔ stdout should include "12.7.0"
Test Summary: 7 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped
Finished verifying <default-vbox-bionic64> (0m1.00s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (1m14.35s)