This is a Windows command-line utility program, written in C#. It transfers text data through the keyboard input channel. It is used when the clipboard cannot be used to paste text or for simple automation scripts.
Example for sending a string to the Remote Desktop Client (mstsc.exe):
kbsend -text "abc" -windowTitle "Remote Desktop Connection"
Example for copying text from the clipboard to the Citrix Client:
kbsend -clipboard -windowExe "\CDViewer.exe" -charDelay 12 -lineDelay 125
-text "..." Text string passed as a parameter. -clipboard Text is read from the clipboard. -file <fileName> Text is read from a file.
-nextWindow Moves the focus to the next window. Windows Explorer windows are ignored. This is the default. -currentWindow Keeps the current focus window. -windowTitle "title substring" Moves the focus to the window with the specified string in the title. Case-insensitive substring search is used to compare the window titles. -windowExe "exe file path substring" Moves the focus to the window with the specified string in the EXE file path. Case-insensitive substring search is used to compare the EXE file paths.
-charDelay <ms> Delay per character in milliseconds. Default is 1. -lineDelay <ms> Delay per line in milliseconds. Default is 25. -sendHomeKey Sends HOME after ENTER when the previous line started with blanks. This is necessary when line indent is inherited from the line above. -sendEscKey Sends ESC before ENTER at end of line. This is necessary to close a popup e.g. for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. -listWindows Lists window titles and EXE file names of the desktop windows. -help Displays this help text.