- deploy script for deployment to debian/ubuntu (with nginx, supervisor, fastcgi) servers via rsync
- all system configs (cron, logrotate, etc) located in project folder system/ and symlinked after deploy
- virualenv for developer and production
- system/requirements.txt for pip and system/debian.txt for debian packages
- shortcut runserver-dev.sh (with localsettings.py inherited from settings.py)
- shortcut test-dev.sh for testing (PEP8 checking inside, testsettings.py inherited from localsettings.py)
- one simple page ("It works!") out of the box (ideal for one-page django expetiments)
- folders for commands and templatetags
- .gitignore and .hgignore
- etc
django-admin.py startproject --template=http://goo.gl/r6sAa -e sh,conf,sql -n base.html <MYAPPNAME>
find . -name \*.sh -type f -exec chmod +x {} \; && chmod +x src/manage.py && rm README.md
# and now run your project:
- suffix "-dev" = "for development only"